- Homecare service
Heathcotes Yorkshire Supported Living Office
Report from 14 May 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
We carried out an assessment of this service to follow up on warning notices issued at the last inspection. The assessment included site visits to 2 supported living services on 15 July and 18 July 2024. We looked at 15 quality statements across the safe and well-led domains and have combined the scores for these areas with scores from the last inspection to give the rating. We found that although improvements had been made in the service, there were still areas raised in the previous warning notices which the provider had failed to meet. This meant there was a continued breach of regulation. We found more work was needed to improve the accident and incident process around evidencing the review by managers and actions taken. We saw that the service had meetings with people who used the service to get their feedback and views on their care, however, these were not always offered to every person consistently and in a way that was accessible to them. Medications were stored and administered safely. However, we found issues with the management of some medication. There was no formal system in place for the ordering of medication which meant some people were at risk of going without their required medication. Risk assessments for flammable creams were not always in place and guidance/protocols were not always in place for “as and when” required medicines. The issues found on inspection had not been identified by the provider as part of their routine checks or audit processes. The service was responsive to the feedback provided as part of the inspection and had plans to further improve the service. There had been a recent change in the management team and staff were positive about the impact this had on how the service was managed and how they were supported. People and their families gave positive feedback about the care provided. Improvements had been made to ensure staff were competent in their roles which had a positive impact on the care overall.
People's experience of this service
People using the service were unable to verbally communicate their feedback to us. However, from observations of interactions they appeared happy and comfortable with the staff supporting them. Relatives told us they were happy with the support provided by staff and that staff had a good relationship with their relative. They were unhappy with the inconsistency and high turnover of managers but felt this had settled recently and communication had improved as a result.