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  • Homecare service

Morton Gardens LTD

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

139 Demesne Road, Wallington, Surrey, SM6 8EW (020) 8647 9503

Provided and run by:
Morton Gardens Limited

Report from 13 May 2024 assessment


  • Overall


  • Safe


  • Effective


  • Caring


  • Responsive


  • Well-led


Our view of the service

This assessment took place between 15 May to 28 May 2024. Morton Gardens LTD is a domiciliary care agency providing personal care to people living in a supported living setting. At the time of our assessment there were 3 people using the service. We expect health and social care providers to guarantee people with a learning disability and autistic people respect, equality, dignity, choices and independence and good access to local communities that most people take for granted. ‘Right support, right care, right culture’ is the guidance CQC follows to make assessments and judgements about services supporting people with a learning disability and autistic people and providers must have regard to it. Right support: People had independence, choice and control over their own lives and an active role in maintaining their health and wellbeing. People accessed support for their healthcare needs when needed. Staff supported people to make decisions following best practice in decision-making. Right care: Staff promoted equality and diversity. They knew how to protect people from abuse. Staff understood and met people’s communication needs. People’s care focused on their quality of life and based on current practice. People took part in activities and helped to maintain relationships with friends and family. Staff were trained to meet people’s needs and keep them safe. We found an issue with recruitment practices. The provider took action to improve this. Right culture: People were involved in planning their care. Staff met their needs and wishes. People’s support was reviewed to make sure this was effective. The service valued and acted on people’s views. People’s quality of life was enhanced by the culture of improvement and inclusivity. Risks of a closed culture were minimised. People received support based on transparency, respect and inclusivity. Improvements were made to governance systems after our visit to ensure there were regular checks of recruitment practices.

People's experience of this service

People were safe using the service. Risks to people from abuse, harm or injury were managed well. People were involved in assessing their needs and making decisions about how their care and support was provided, in line with current practice. People had choice and control about how they wanted to receive care and support from staff. People were supported by skilled and experienced staff who knew them well and provided care in line with their choices and preferences. People were encouraged to stay healthy and well. Staff worked well together and with partners to make sure people received prompt support for their healthcare needs, and as a result experienced positive outcomes for these. People were encouraged and supported to do as much as they could for themselves, to maintain their independence. People’s family and friends were free to visit with them when they wished. There were no restrictions placed on when they could come. People undertook activities which supported their independence, health and wellbeing.