- Care home
Russell Court
Registration details
The location ID for Russell Court is 1-8598247536. CQC register Russell Court to carry out these legally regulated activities. Contact us if you think Russell Court is operating services not listed here.
Type of service
- Nursing homes
Service specialism
- Caring for adults over 65 yrs
- Caring for adults under 65 yrs
- Dementia
- Physical disabilities
- Sensory impairments
Local authority
Monitored services
CQC register Russell Court to carry out the following legally regulated services here:
Accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care
Ms Kiran Qayum is responsible for these services.
Condition of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The registered provider must within 10 days of this condition taking effect, instruct a suitably qualified, skilled and competent professional, who will be a qualified nurse or pharmacist, to undertake oversight of medicines management, which will include monthly audits. On the first Monday of every month, the registered provider will provide a copy of the monthly audit to the CQC, detailing improvements they have made as a result and how they have ensured medicines management processes adhere to current good guidance including NICE guidelines for managing medicines in care homes (March 2014). Audits will include reference to:
a. Meeting specific administration requirements of prescribed medicines
b. Ensuring where prescriptions are handwritten, that records are authorised by two suitably qualified staff members
c. Adequate guidance, oversight and review of the use of ‘when required’ (PRN) medication
d. Adequate guidance, oversight and review of prescribed patches
The registered provider must within 10 days of this condition taking effect, implement audits to ensure records and assessments are accurately maintained and updated, in relation to service users’ identified needs and risks to inform safe practice. On the first Monday of every month, the registered provider will provide a copy of the monthly audit to the CQC, detailing improvements they have made as a result and including reference to the following areas:
a. Falls risk management
b. Mental health and wellbeing needs
c. Identified dietary and hydration needs
d. Catheter care
e. Fluid intake and output
f. Diabetes management
g. Personal emergency evacuation plans
Within 10 days of this condition taking effect, the registered provider must have monthly audits in place to gather the views, needs and preferences of all service users in their care. The registered provider must record and analyse the information obtained through the process and be able to demonstrate improvements that have been made as a result. The registered provider must share updates from their monthly audit with the Care Quality Commission on the first Monday of every month.
Within 10 days of this condition taking effect, the registered provider must have monthly audits in place to assess the quality and safety of the service in relation to:
a. Incident / Accident records
b. Feedback surveys engaging service users, staff, relatives, visiting professionals and any other relevant stakeholders
c. Record keeping in relation to the risks, needs and preferences of service users in the provider’s care
d. Implementing adequate guidance for staff including in relation to the care needs detailed within areas (2a) – (2g) of this notice, with reference to healthcare professional recommendations where provided and current good practice guidelines and resources including those available from the Care Quality Commission, NICE, SCIE and Skills for Care.
The registered provider must record and analyse the information obtained through the process and be able to demonstrate improvements that have been made as a result, and must share these updates with the Care Quality Commission on the first Monday of every month.
Terms of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The registered provider must only accommodate a maximum of 42 service users at Russell Court.
Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
Ms Kiran Qayum is responsible for these services.
Condition of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The registered provider must within 10 days of this condition taking effect, instruct a suitably qualified, skilled and competent professional, who will be a qualified nurse or pharmacist, to undertake oversight of medicines management, which will include monthly audits. On the first Monday of every month, the registered provider will provide a copy of the monthly audit to the CQC, detailing improvements they have made as a result and how they have ensured medicines management processes adhere to current good guidance including NICE guidelines for managing medicines in care homes (March 2014). Audits will include reference to:
a. Meeting specific administration requirements of prescribed medicines
b. Ensuring where prescriptions are handwritten, that records are authorised by two suitably qualified staff members
c. Adequate guidance, oversight and review of the use of ‘when required’ (PRN) medication
d. Adequate guidance, oversight and review of prescribed patches
The registered provider must within 10 days of this condition taking effect, implement audits to ensure records and assessments are accurately maintained and updated, in relation to service users’ identified needs and risks to inform safe practice. On the first Monday of every month, the registered provider will provide a copy of the monthly audit to the CQC, detailing improvements they have made as a result and including reference to the following areas:
a. Falls risk management
b. Mental health and wellbeing needs
c. Identified dietary and hydration needs
d. Catheter care
e. Fluid intake and output
f. Diabetes management
g. Personal emergency evacuation plans
Within 10 days of this condition taking effect, the registered provider must have monthly audits in place to gather the views, needs and preferences of all service users in their care. The registered provider must record and analyse the information obtained through the process and be able to demonstrate improvements that have been made as a result. The registered provider must share updates from their monthly audit with the Care Quality Commission on the first Monday of every month.
Within 10 days of this condition taking effect, the registered provider must have monthly audits in place to assess the quality and safety of the service in relation to:
a. Incident / Accident records
b. Feedback surveys engaging service users, staff, relatives, visiting professionals and any other relevant stakeholders
c. Record keeping in relation to the risks, needs and preferences of service users in the provider’s care
d. Implementing adequate guidance for staff including in relation to the care needs detailed within areas (2a) – (2g) of this notice, with reference to healthcare professional recommendations where provided and current good practice guidelines and resources including those available from the Care Quality Commission, NICE, SCIE and Skills for Care.
The registered provider must record and analyse the information obtained through the process and be able to demonstrate improvements that have been made as a result, and must share these updates with the Care Quality Commission on the first Monday of every month.