Updated 24 September 2024
The assessment took place from 24 October 2024 to 18 November 2024. It was undertaken in response to concerns about the service. Kaplan Care is a domiciliary care service providing personal care to people living in their own homes. At the time of assessment, the service was providing personal care to four people. We announced the site visit to the provider 48 hours’ beforehand; this was because we needed to be sure the provider would be available to support this inspection. During this assessment, we found three breaches of the legal regulations in relation to safe care and treatment, complaints, and governance. We have asked the provider for an action plan in response to the concerns found at this assessment. Risks to people were not properly assessed and management plans were not always detailed to provide information for staff to keep people safe. Staff were not supported to be effective in their roles. The provider had not taken steps to improve staff experience of the service. Staff did not always follow the procedures in place to report safeguarding concerns, incidents and accidents and when things went wrong. There were no systems in place to discuss and share lessons from incidents and accidents; and when things went wrong. Records of concerns and complaints made about the service were not maintained. Governance systems were not always effective. The quality of the service was not effectively assessed and monitored. The leadership and management of the service was ineffective. People told us staff were kind and caring. People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice. Staff encouraged people to increase their independence if appropriate. People told us they felt safe with staff.