- Independent mental health service
Magna House
Report from 9 July 2024 assessment
At our last inspection we rated this key question as Good. At this inspection the rating has remained the same. This meant people were safe and protected from avoidable harm. The service provided care and treatment in a way which made people feel safe, supported, and listened to. People we spoke with felt they were treated with compassion, dignity and respect. They felt safe within the environment and were aware of contact points within the ward to gain help and support. People were supported to make choices which balanced risks of harm with positive choices about their lives. We found that people were encouraged to be involved in their care and treatment. Staff were observed engaging with people in a professional and caring manner. Staff were responsive and used their initiative to respond to the needs of people. The wards were safe and clean. Staff had clear roles and responsibilities for managing and improving safety and were aware of policies and procedures to minimise restrictive practices and manage risk. Leaders ensure there are enough skilled people to deliver safe care that promotes choice, control and individual wellbeing.