- Care home
Rosebank Lodge
Report from 18 December 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
This assessment was carried out on 9 and 11 December 2024. Rosebank Lodge is a residential care home providing care and support to people with a learning disability. At the time of our assessment there were 11 people using the service who received personal care. The assessment was conducted by 3 inspectors who looked at all 5 key questions. We were prompted to inspect due to their previous rating of requires improvement (published 11th May 2023) and concerns we received regarding restrictive practice and medicines management. Based on the findings of this assessment the service remains rated requires improvement. We assessed the service against ‘Right support, right care, right culture’ guidance to make judgements about whether the provider guaranteed people with a learning disability and autism respect, equality, dignity, choices, independence and good access to local communities. Right support: People were placed at risk of abuse because of the inappropriate use of restraint. Staff did not always have access to sufficiently detailed up to date risk assessments. Medicines were not always managed safely. Right care: Care was person-centred and promoted people’s dignity, privacy and human rights. People were supported to have control and make decisions about how their care and support was provided. Staff ensured they communicated and shared information with people in a way they could easily understand. Right culture: The service continued to experience high rates of manager turnover and remains without a registered manager, although a new acting management team is now in place. This lack of stable management has negatively impacted on the services culture and ability to operate their governance systems effectively. The service did not always ensure staff were suitably skilled and supported to meet the needs of the people they supported and do so safely. We have asked the provider for an action plan in response to the concerns we identified.
People's experience of this service
During our assessment we received mixed feedback from the 8 relatives and/or external health and social care professionals we contacted by telephone and email. Half the people we contacted expressed being generally happy with the care and support their family member or client/s received at Rosebank Lodge, while the other half said they were dissatisfied. People told us the staff were always kind and compassionate however, most felt the high turnover of managers the service continued to experience had negatively impacted upon the quality and safely of the care and support people using the service received. A relative summed this up when they remarked, “While the staff are all lovely, the ongoing issue of the managers constantly coming and going in recent years has definitely had a negative effect on the standard of care my [family member] and others receive at Rosebank Lodge.” Some people could not directly tell us about their experience of living or staying at this service. We used a structured observation tool to help us understand the experiences of people who could not talk with us and to assess whether or not they received good care. We observed people's positive non-verbal body language and gestures and the caring way staff engaged with the people who lived or regularly stayed at the care home throughout this assessment.