- Dentist
SpaDental Chard
All Inspections
14 July 2014
During a routine inspection
The patients we met during our inspection spoke positively about the service and the staff. We found service to be responsive because there were late surgery opening hours which ensured the patients who used the service could attend without taking time away from work. We also saw the service provided an easy payment scheme to enable patients to have treatment. Patients told us "it is easy to get an appointment, they are very flexible".
We heard from patients and read comments by them which stated they were comfortable attending service because of the caring attitude of the staff. One person had commented 'I feel like they know me and recognise me as a person'.
We saw there were policies and procedures in place which indicated the service was well led and provided professional guidance and training to the staff who work there. Staff told us 'we are proud of where we work'. Patients told us "this is a good experience" and "I would recommend this dentist to anyone".
We asked patients about the service and if they were satisfied with the treatment they had received. We were told "the dentists are very skilled at putting you at your ease and taking time to explain the treatment ". Another patient told us 'I came here as a child and now I bring my child here, they are brilliant'. We read comments from patients who used the service in the service survey which also expressed satisfaction with the effective treatment they had received.
During our visit we looked around the premises and at the equipment and training staff had received in order to provide a safe service. Staff told us they received training and support to enable them to provide a safe service. They confirmed to us their understanding of obtaining informed consent and supporting patients to make choices which suited them. Staff also said they only completed work they had been trained to do.