This inspection was undertaken by one inspector. The provider offered personal care services to approximately two hundred people in their own homes. We visited the registered offices and met with the four registered managers, staff and therapists. We reviewed written and electronic documentation. We later spoke with people who used the service and families of people who used the service.We asked the following questions about the service as detailed below:
Is the service safe?
Staff told us that they had received training about safeguarding vulnerable people. They told us that they would report concerns immediately to senior staff. Staff told us they knew about the local arrangements in place for reporting to the safeguarding team within the county council.
One staff member told us, "I would recognise different types of abuse, and I know what to do if I suspect someone has been abused. We are well trained and our training is up to date."
We saw that policies and procedures were in place and that these were reviewed on an annual basis. We spoke with people who used the service who told us they felt, "Comfortable" with the staff who supported them. One person told us, "They really care about the people and are respectful. One of the best things I've ever done is agreed to use this service."
We saw that there were suitable staff recruitment and selection processes in place and appropriate checks had been completed before staff commenced in post.
Is the service effective?
We spoke with people who used the service and their families. We received positive feedback, and people told us that they had been involved in the planning of their care. One person told us, "Everything was discussed with the team leader and they explained everything." People told us that their care was reviewed regularly and that they could call and speak with senior staff at any time if they needed to.
We spoke with staff who told us that their induction had been thorough and that they worked with other staff until they felt confident to work unsupervised. Staff were assessed and attended regular meetings with senior staff during their probationary period. 'Spot' checks were completed on them by senior staff to ensure that they were working well, to the required standards, and that the people they were caring for were satisfied.
Staff attended supervisions every three months and had annual appraisals completed with their line manager's. This meant that people could expect to receive care from competent and trained staff.
Is the service caring?
We spoke with staff who all told us how much they enjoyed their roles. Staff told us, "If my parents needed care I would trust our company completely." And, "We always look to improve, but we do deliver a great service."
People receiving care and their families spoke very positively about the quality of the service and told us, "We couldn't hope for better," and, "We have been so happy, they have been a model of good practice".
Is the service responsive?
We looked at care records that showed that there were detailed care plans for each person using the service. These plans were checked at regular intervals by senior staff. Daily recording books were completed by care staff after each visit, and these were checked on a monthly basis by senior staff, when they were returned to the office. Care reviews were usually completed on an annual basis, or if there was a change in the person's condition. Staff were also expected to report promptly by telephone if they had any concerns about the person they were supporting. This meant that people could be confident that appropriate actions would be taken if their care needs changed.
Is the service well led?
We saw that staff were well trained and that they were effectively supported. The staff we spoke with confirmed that there was always a senior member of staff that they could speak to if they needed to report an issue or if they had any concerns.
A range of quality monitoring systems were in place. The four managers we spoke with enthusiastically discussed how they used people's experiences, feedback and complaints to review, and make improvements to the service.