- Independent mental health service
Montague Court
Report from 8 August 2024 assessment
We reviewed 7 quality statements. These were learning cultures, safe systems, pathways and transitions, safeguarding, involving people to manage risk, safe environments, safe and effective staffing and infection prevention and control. People and staff were aware of how to raise concerns but were not always confident they would be treated with compassion and understanding. There was not always learning identified and action taken to resolve people’s concerns. People’s needs and risks were discussed in handovers between shifts but these were not always documented to ensure all staff were aware of these. The provider trained staff in safeguarding. People’s risks were assessed and understood by staff however some staff were not updated on people’s changing risks. There were enough staff to keep people safe. However, staff did not all understand the service’s aims of rehabilitation. People were cared for in a safe environment however the arrangements to monitor the safety and upkeep of the premises were not always effective. People were generally protected as much as possible from the risk of infection. However, hand hygiene processes were not adhered to by all staff.