1 March 2013
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We found that call bells were answered in a timely manner and that there was always a staff member in the lounge. Staff also had pagers so that they could hear the call bells and respond appropriately. We found that one staff had left their pager on a table for over 7 minutes. We notified the managers of this and found that another staff picked up the pager and returned it to the staff member.
We spoke to two therapists, two managers, two nurses and two support workers. Nursing staff had received appropriate training in continence, safeguarding and dementia care. Staff told us that they felt supported by the interim managers and told us they worked well as a team. Both people and staff thought that staffing was adequate to meet the needs of the people.
We found that though patients had risk assessments these were not always scored or completed properly. Care standards were pre printed and did not always accurately reflect the needs of the individual. Continence at night was promoted, as evidenced by one care plan that read, 'a commode is used at night on the left side of the bed."