- NHS hospital
Royal Cornwall Hospital
Report from 6 June 2024 assessment
Ratings - Medical care (Including older people's care)
Our view of the service
We carried out this assessment following information of concern around falls on Zennor Ward. We inspected 10 quality statements across the safe and well-led key questions. As we only assessed 1 ward as part of this assessment, none of the key questions have been re-rated. Therefore, all of the previous ratings from the last inspection remain. The service had a good safety culture where staff regularly discussed patient care. Staff escalated deteriorating patients when their condition deteriorated. Staff provided safe care and treatment, using well-defined procedures to assess risks and select a personalised care plan. The environment was clean and tidy, but in need of modernisation and adjustments to make it dementia friendly. An investment request for this work had been submitted by the senior leadership team. The leadership team was experienced, capable and visible on the ward. Zennor Ward has recently changed from a renal/endocrine ward to a ward providing older people’s care. The improved governance, as well efforts made by staff in terms of training and information sharing had resulted in a reduction in falls. During this assessment, we saw staff were providing good care to patients however, as we only looked at 1 ward, this did not change the overall rating of requires improvement for the medical care (including older people’s care) assessment service group (ASG) as a whole.
People's experience of this service
People felt they were receiving considerate support from competent staff. Comments in the patient survey showed how kind people who had used this service thought staff were, even when they were under pressure. People felt they were listened to when they said they were unwell. They felt the ward was clean and tidy, and commented that equipment was always available when needed.