• Hospital
  • NHS hospital

University Hospital Aintree

Overall: Requires improvement read more about inspection ratings

Longmoor Lane, Fazakerley, Liverpool, Merseyside, L9 7AL (0151) 525 5980

Provided and run by:
Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Report from 14 February 2024 assessment


Requires improvement

Updated 1 August 2024

The service mostly provided and maintained safe systems of care, in which safety was managed, monitored and assured. However, people were not always cared for inthe right place which had the potential to impact safety. Concerns about safety were not always reported as not all staff felt they were listened to. However, those that were reported were investigated and lessons were learned to continually identify and embed good practices. Facilities were not always maintained to a standard that supported staff to keep people safe. There was not always enough staff to deliver care that met the needs of people who used the service. However, staff were recruited safely and had training and supervision to ensure that they had the skills and knowledge they needed.