- NHS mental health service
Rochdale Mental Health Services
All Inspections
3 August 2012
During a routine inspection
We spoke with patients on each of the wards we visited. All spoke positively about their stay as inpatients. Patients told us 'Staff here are good, when you need support even if they are busy they will come and help you' and 'They treat me with respect'.
We heard from patients how they were kept informed about their progress. One patient told us of their experiences from admission to the day of our visit. They said they felt better now and were optimistic for the future and planning on going home.
All the patients we spoke with told us they felt safe.
One patient, on one ward, told us of their distress due to restrictions preventing them from following the requirements of their religion. We informed the service manager of this and he took action so that the patient was enabled to observe their religion.
We saw that the Trust had installed electronic touch screen equipment which enabled patients and visitors to complete feedback questionnaires and make comment about the services being provided or received. We saw that this equipment was placed in areas accessible to patients. We heard that patient feedback was collated monthly for each ward. We saw two reports and these included patient comments such as 'Food is very good and the staff are wonderful'; 'Can we have more home cooked food on the ward as the food is not that good'; 'There needs to be more for patients to do' and 'Activities have been very helpful for my partner'.