26, 27 October 2011
During a themed inspection looking at Learning Disability Services
Patients told us that they have their own activity plans, which helps them decide what they want to do. They told us activities included going to college and to various clubs, including social support groups. We spoke with a patient who had recently left Lothingland. This patient told us that they had nothing but praise for the staff, the treatment programs and facilities at Lothingland. They commented, that the assessment and treatment they had received had, 'Changed everything for the good' and that they had 'endless thanks' for the new opportunities that attending Lothingland had created for them.
We spoke with the parents of two the patients currently living at Lothingland. Both parents told us about their experience of their relative being detained under the Mental Health Act 1983. Both parents commented that the transfer of their relatives to Lothingland, had been a positive experience, comments included, 'It has been the best thing that has happened to my relative' and 'Since my relative moved to Lothingland, a 'Miracle' has happened in that my relative has been supported through their illness to become happy again'.
One parent said they often visited their relative, and always found them to be, 'clean and comfortable' and that the support they received, was, 'personalised, including the support to look after their own health'. A second parent commented that, the 'Facilities provided at Lothingland are appropriate, meaningful and very well organised around the needs of the patients'.