- NHS mental health service
Broadland Clinic - Little Plumstead Hospital
All Inspections
5 October 2012
During an inspection in response to concerns
People confirmed that they were satisfied with the support and treatment provided by staff. However one person expressed some concerns about their own care and treatment and these individual concerns were bought to the attention of managers who confirmed that these issues would be reviewed on an individual basis with the person concerned and the ward manager and their key worker.
People said that the system for accessing Section 17 leave where appropriate, under the 1983 Mental Health Act, was 'Quite good'. People spoken with stated that they felt able to approach staff if they had any concerns and were confident that these would be addressed wherever possible.
11, 12 January 2012
During a themed inspection looking at Learning Disability Services
Each of the patients spoken with told us that they were aware of why they were being detained under the Mental Health Act 1983 and told us that they had their rights read out to them, on a regular basis.
We spoke with two relatives of patients living at the service. One relative told us that they had been instrumental in obtaining an assessment for their brother through their solicitor. They said that although the family were not directly part of the resulting assessment they clearly supported the outcome that enabled their brother to come to the Little Plumstead Hospital. The second relative had also been instrumental in initiating an assessment for their son to move to the hospital. Both relatives said they attended their relative's review meetings.
One relative told us that the consultant had met with them after their brother's admission and explained fully the process of care and treatment they would receive. They told us there had been initial problems with poor communication about the ongoing treatment of their brother, however they said that they now have regular phone contact with their brothers named nurse and are much happier.
Both relatives said they were aware of the treatment their relatives were receiving. One relative was highly complimentary of staff and happy that their relative was pursuing GCSEs. Both relatives were satisfied that staff were able to identify and take appropriate action, if either of their relatives was unwell.