• Doctor
  • GP practice

Your Health Partnership (YHP) Also known as YHP-Regis Medical Centre

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Darby Street, Rowley Regis, West Midlands, B65 0BA (0121) 559 3957

Provided and run by:
Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust

Important: This service was previously managed by a different provider - see old profile

Latest inspection summary

On this page

Our current view of the service


Updated 26 November 2024

This assessment was carried out on the 13 and 14 August 2024 to check on the improvements identified within the provider’s action plan sent into us as a result of their last inspection carried out in October 2022. We also assessed Equity in Access under the responsive domain due to concerns and complaints we have had from people who used the service since October 2022. When we carried out our last inspection the provider was given an overall rating of Requires Improvement with two breaches in Regulation 12 and 17. The provider was required to send us an action plan showing how they would make the necessary improvements. CQC has changed its regulatory model to a single assessment framework along with changes to the internal systems used to produce a report and a provider’s rating since October 2022. As a result, the provider’s action plan took longer than was expected to be reviewed. There were approximately 41,000 patients registered with the service at the time of our assessment. We assessed several quality statements across safe, effective, responsive and well-led. At this assessment we found the provider had made a number of changes as per their action plan to ensure the delivery of patient care was integral to how the service was delivered.

People's experience of the service

Updated 26 November 2024

The feedback we received from people was positive. People told us the care they received was good and that they were involved in decisions about their care and treatment. However, we were also told that people could not consistently access a GP in a timely manner. The systems the provider had in place did not consistently support people to access a GP. However, we found that the provider had taken action before our assessment to improve their systems.