East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust
This is an organisation that runs the health and social care services we inspect
Registration details
The provider ID for East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust is RXR. These are the registration details of the provider East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust. They set out what services East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust can legally provide, where they can provide them and who is responsible for them.
Maternity and midwifery services
Mr Peter Thomas Murphy is responsible for these services.
Registered services
- Burnley General Hospital
- Royal Blackburn Hospital
- Pendle Community Hospital
- Accrington Victoria Hospital
- Pendle Valley Mill Practice - Yarnspinners Branch
- Pendle Valley Mill Practice - Brierfield Branch
- Blackburn Birthing Centre
- Rossendale Primary Care Centre
Termination of pregnancies
Mr Peter Thomas Murphy is responsible for these services.
Registered services
Nursing care
Mr Peter Thomas Murphy is responsible for these services.
Registered services
- Burnley General Hospital
- Royal Blackburn Hospital
- Pendle Community Hospital
- Accrington Victoria Hospital
- Clitheroe Community Hospital
- Rossendale Primary Care Centre
Family planning
Mr Peter Thomas Murphy is responsible for these services.
Registered services
- Burnley General Hospital
- Royal Blackburn Hospital
- Pendle Community Hospital
- Accrington Victoria Hospital
- Pendle Valley Mill Practice - Yarnspinners Branch
- Pendle Valley Mill Practice - Brierfield Branch
- Rossendale Primary Care Centre
Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
Mr Peter Thomas Murphy is responsible for these services.
Registered services
- Albion Mill
- Burnley General Hospital
- Royal Blackburn Hospital
- Pendle Community Hospital
- Barbara Castle Health Centre
- Accrington Victoria Hospital
- Pendle Valley Mill Practice - Yarnspinners Branch
- Pendle Valley Mill Practice - Brierfield Branch
- Clitheroe Community Hospital
- Rossendale Primary Care Centre
Assessment or medical treatment for persons detained under the Mental Health Act 1983
Mrs Alison Brown is responsible for these services.
Terms of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The registered provider must not provide the regulated activity of assessment or medical treatment for persons detained under the Mental Health Act 1983 to people whose presenting need for assessment or treatment is as a direct result of the person’s eating disorder.
Registered services
Surgical procedures
Mr Peter Thomas Murphy is responsible for these services.
Registered services
- Burnley General Hospital
- Royal Blackburn Hospital
- Pendle Community Hospital
- Accrington Victoria Hospital
- Pendle Valley Mill Practice - Yarnspinners Branch
- Pendle Valley Mill Practice - Brierfield Branch
- Rossendale Primary Care Centre
Diagnostic and screening procedures
Mr Peter Thomas Murphy is responsible for these services.
Registered services
- Burnley General Hospital
- Royal Blackburn Hospital
- Pendle Community Hospital
- Barbara Castle Health Centre
- Accrington Victoria Hospital
- Pendle Valley Mill Practice - Yarnspinners Branch
- Pendle Valley Mill Practice - Brierfield Branch
- Rossendale Primary Care Centre
Management of supply of blood and blood derived products
Mr Peter Thomas Murphy is responsible for these services.