26th February to 28th February 2019
During an inspection looking at part of the service
Our rating of the trust stayed the same. We rated it as requires improvement because:
- We rated safe and responsive as requires improvement, effective and caring as good.
- We rated well-led for the trust overall as good.
- The rating of well-led improved since our last inspection, but the ratings for each of the other key questions remained the same.
- The ratings for each of the trust’s acute locations remained the same, except for Queen Charlottes and Chelsea Hospital where the rating had improved.
- Our decisions on overall ratings consider, for example, the relative size of services and we use our professional judgement to reach a fair and balanced rating.
St. Mary’s Hospital
- Our rating of hospital stayed the same. We rated it as requires improvement because safe and responsive required improvement, but effective, caring and well-led were good.
- The hospital improved its rating of well-led since the last inspection, but the ratings for each of the other key questions remained the same.
- We inspected Critical Care as part of this inspection to check if improvements had been made. The rating of the service had remained the same. We rated it as good because safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led was good. The rating for responsive went up, and the ratings for safe, effective, caring and well-led remained the same.
- We inspected the Maternity service as part of this inspection to follow-up on concerns we had from the previous inspection in October 2017. We found that the service had improved, and the rating of the service went up. We rated it as outstanding, because caring and responsiveness was outstanding, and safe, effective and well-led were good. The rating for safe, caring, responsive and well-led went up and the rating for effective remained the same.
- We inspected Children’s and young people’s services as part of this inspection to check if improvements had been made. The rating of the service had remained the same. We rated it as good because effective, caring, responsive and well-led was good, however safe required improvement. The ratings for safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led all remained the same.
- We inspected Urgent and emergency care in November 2017 to check if improvements had been made. Our rating of the service stayed the same. We rated it as requires improvement because safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led required improvement. The rating for well-led improved but the ratings for each of the other key questions remained the same.
- We inspected Surgery in November 2017 to check if improvements had been made. Our rating of the service stayed the same. We rated it as requires improvement because safe and responsive required improvement and effective, caring and well-led were good. The rating for well-led improved but the ratings for each of the other key questions remained the same.
- We inspected the Medical care (including older people’s care) service in October 2017 because we had concerns about the quality of the service. Our rating of the service stayed the same. We rated it as requires improvement because safe and responsive required improvement, and caring and well-led were good. The ratings for each of the key questions remained the same.
- We inspected the Maternity service in October 2017 because we had concerns about the quality of the service. Our rating of the service went down. We rated it as requires improvement because safe, responsive and well-led required improvement, and effective and caring were good. The ratings for safe, responsive and well-led went down and the ratings for each of the other key questions remained the same.
- We inspected the Outpatients and diagnostic imaging service in May 2017 to check if improvements had been made. Our rating of the service significantly improved. We rated it as good because safe, caring and well-led were good and responsive required improvement. We did not rate effective. The rating for responsive improved and the rating for well-led significantly improved. The ratings for each of the other key questions remained the same.
Charing Cross Hospital
- Our rating of services stayed the same. We rated it them as requires improvement because safe, responsive and well-led required improvement, but effective and caring were good.
- The hospital ratings for safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led remained the same.
- We inspected Critical care as part of this inspection to check if improvements had been made. Our rating of the service went up. We rated it as good because safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led were good. The ratings for safe, effective, responsive and well-led all went up, the rating for caring stayed the same.
- We inspected Urgent and emergency care in November 2017 to check if improvements had been made. Our rating of the service went down. We rated it as requires improvement because safe, effective, responsive and well-led required improvement, and caring was good. The rating for safe, responsive and well-led went down, and the ratings for each of the other key questions remained the same.
- We inspected Surgery during in November 2017 to check if improvements had been made. Our rating of the service stayed the same. We rated it as requires improvement because safe and responsive required improvement, and effective, caring and well-led were good. The rating for well-led improved and the ratings for each of the other key questions remained the same.
- We inspected the Medical care (including older people’s care) service in October 2017 because we had concerns about the quality of the service. Our rating of the service improved. We rated it as good because safe and responsive required improvement; well-led was good, and caring and effective were outstanding. The ratings for effective, caring and well-led improved and the ratings for each of the other key questions remained the same.
- We inspected the Outpatients and diagnostic imaging service in May 2017 to check if improvements had been made. Our rating of the service improved. We rated it as requires improvement because safe, responsive and well-led were required improvement, and caring was good. The ratings for responsive and well-led improved; the rating for safe went down. We did not rate effective.
Hammersmith Hospital
- Our rating of Hammersmith Hospital stayed the same. We rated it as requires improvement because safe, responsive and well-led require improvement and effective and caring were good.
- The ratings for each of the key questions remained the same since our last inspection.
- We inspected Children and Young People’s services as part of this inspection to check if improvements had been made. Our rating of the service went up. We rated it as good because safe, effective, caring and responsive was good, and well-led required improvement.
- We inspected Critical care as part of this inspection to check if improvements had been made. Our rating of the service went up. We rated it as good because safe, effective, caring and responsive was good, and well-led required improvement. The rating for safe, effective and responsive went up and the rating for caring and well-led remained the same. The rating for effective had improved, and the ratings for safe, caring, responsive and well-led remained the same.
- We inspected Surgery in November 2017 to check if improvements had been made. Our rating of the service improved. We rated it as good because effective, caring, responsive and well-led were good, and safe required improvement. The rating for responsive and well-led improved and the ratings for each of the other key questions remained the same.
- We inspected the Medical care (including older people’s care) service in October 2017 because we had concerns about the quality of the service. Our rating of the service stayed the same. We rated it as requires improvement because safe and responsive required improvement, and effective, caring and well-led were good, the rating for well-led improved and the ratings for each of the other key questions remained the same.
- We inspected the Outpatients and diagnostic imaging service in May 2017 to check if improvements had been made. Our rating of the service significantly improved. We rated it as good because safe, caring and well-led were good and responsive required improvement. The ratings for responsive improved and the rating for well-led significantly improved; the rating for safe went down. We did not rate effective.
Queen Charlottes and Chelsea Hospital
- Our rating of services improved. We rated it them as outstanding because caring and responsive was outstanding and safe, effective and well-led were good.
- The ratings for safe, caring, responsive and well-led had improved since our last inspection in 2014. The ratings for effective had remained the same.
- We inspected Maternity services as part of this inspection to check if improvements had been made. We had previously inspected this service as part of the Maternity and Gynaecology services, so this was the first time we rated this service as a standalone Maternity service. We rated the service as outstanding because caring and responsive was outstanding with safe, effective and well-led being good.
- We inspected Neonatal services as part of this inspection to check if improvements had been made. Our rating of the service had improved. We rated the service as good because caring was outstanding with safe, effective, responsive and well-led being good.