- Care home
Kilmar House
Report from 18 November 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
We carried out an unannounced assessment visit on 19 November 2024. This assessment was completed following concerns raised to CQC in relation to the leadership of the service. The assessment looked at all quality statements associated with the Safe and Well-led key questions and at the Independence, choice and control quality statement from Caring. Kilmar House is a care home that supports up to 15 predominantly older people. At the time of our assessment, 13 people were living at Kilmar House. People in care homes receive accommodation and nursing or personal care as a single package under one contractual agreement. CQC regulates both the premises and the care provided, and both were looked at during this inspection. The service was previously inspected in May 2018 and rated good overall and outstanding in caring. This assessment has not changed these ratings and the service remains good in safe and well-led, and outstanding in caring.
People's experience of this service
People and their relatives were complimentary of the quality of care and support provided at Kilmar house. They told us, “The staff are good, I can’t see any fault with them”, "I feel so lucky to be here" and “The staff are so friendly and helpful, you can't ask for too much.” We observed staff encouraging people to do things for themselves and providing reassurance and support compassionately when required. Rota’s showed planned staffing levels were routinely achieved and one person told us, “[The staff] are very friendly. Do everything they can to help. If I press the button they come quickly.” Managers encouraged feedback and took action where possible to improve people's experience. People said, “The staff are very good, everybody is kind, I can’t complain about anything" and relatives told us they were made to feel welcome while visiting.