- Independent hospital
Nuffield Health Warwickshire Hospital
Report from 18 June 2024 assessment
Ratings - Medical care (Including older people's care)
Our view of the service
Nuffield Health Warwickshire Hospital is operated by Nuffield Health. The hospital has 42 beds. Facilities include three operating theatres, an endoscopy suite and x-ray, outpatient and diagnostic facilities. The hospital provides surgery, medical care, services for children and young people, and outpatients and diagnostic imaging. We carried out an assessment of medical care services and surgery only. Medical care services was a small proportion of hospital activity. The main service was surgery. Medical care at this hospital included endoscopy and oncology services. The endoscopy service provided upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopy, urological endoscopic investigations and urodynamic investigations. The oncology service offered an ambulatory chemotherapy service to patients who attended for treatment on a day case basis. The hospital saw both private and NHS patients. We inspected the assessment service group for adults only. During our assessment, we spoke with 26 members of staff of all roles and responsibilities, 4 patients and reviewed 4 patient records. We conducted an evidence-based and onsite inspection from the 17 to 18 July 2024. We reviewed the safe, effective, caring, responsive and well led key questions. The overall rating for all key questions was good. We found; Care and treatment was safe, patients were cared for in a safe environment and there was evidence of a learning culture. Staff monitored the effectiveness of care and used findings to make improvements. Staff provided emotional support to patients and their families and understood patients’ personal needs. The service was inclusive and took account of patients’ individual needs and preferences, people could access the service when they needed it and received the right care promptly. Leaders operated effective governance processes and used systems to manage performance effectively. However, medicines were not always stored at recommended fridge temperatures.
People's experience of this service
We spoke with 4 patients and a relative. All patients told us staff were kind, caring and knowledgeable. We were told staff made patients and their relatives feel at ease and that they “couldn’t fault the care provided”. Patients were involved in their planned care and treatment, as well as the next steps of their treatment. Patients said staff treated them well and with kindness and were very helpful and reassuring. Staff discussed treatment with patients and explained changes to treatment sensitively and compassionately. Patients told us they felt involved in the planning of their care. Staff made sure patients living with mental health problems, learning disabilities and dementia, received the necessary care to meet all their needs.