- Independent mental health service
St Matthews Hospital
Report from 6 February 2024 assessment
Staff planned and delivered patient’s care and treatment with them. Staff encouraged collaborative working with patients and ensured they were active partners in their care, where possible. Staff listened to what really mattered to patients and incorporated this into ongoing care and treatment which was reviewed regularly with the multi-disciplinary team. Patients told us they felt involved in their care. Staff took time to discuss and explain anything they did not fully understand. Provider policies and procedures contained relevant references to evidence-based practice as well as relevant legislation and national guidance. For example, the care planning policy included several references to guidance, including, but not limited to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance around people’s experience using adult care services (2019); NICE guidance around decision making and mental capacity (2018) as well as the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Legislation, and the Data Protection Act (2018). Managers regularly audited numerous aspects of ongoing care and treatment to monitor the quality of the service. Examples of regular audits included call bell audits; infection prevention and control; medicines; nutrition; observation and safeguarding audits.