- Independent mental health service
St Matthews Hospital
Report from 6 February 2024 assessment
The provider had adequate systems and processes in place to learn from complaints, incidents and deaths. Staff reported incidents as expected, which were reviewed by senior staff, and reported into the hospital clinical governance meetings. This enabled regular monitoring and analysis of any trends or themes, enabling senior staff to focus upon further learning and training for the staff. Learning was shared across the whole of the organisation, not exclusively within St Matthews hospital. This meant that staff were made aware of learning from incidents in other units. Managers produced a monthly learning alert and cascaded to all staff. Leaders also shared areas of good practice, encouraged problem solving, and offered regular reflective sessions, de-briefs and some incident specific learning analysis. Staff undertook many clinical audits to monitor the quality of the service. We observed that audit findings were actioned and added to the hospitals ongoing improvement and sustainability plan. Feedback was welcomed from patients using the service, as well as from relatives of patients at the service. The provider had made some changes to the menu’s offered following recommendations and feedback from patients. Staff reported a supported leadership team who were approachable and open to new ideas. Managers encouraged evidence-based practice when providing care and treatment, which was evident in care plans, risk assessments and policies seen. We were not informed of any research staff working at the hospital were involved with, at the time of assessment.