7 December 2017
During a routine inspection
At the last inspection, on 16, 17 and 18 December 2015, the service was rated Good. At this inspection we found that the service remained Good.
Staff had an understanding of abuse and the safeguarding procedures that should be followed to report abuse. Risk assessments were in place to manage risk within a person's life. There were arrangements in place for the service to make sure that action was taken and lessons learned when things went wrong, to improve safety across the service.
People received their medicines as prescribed and staff supported people to access support from healthcare professionals when required. The service worked with other organisations to ensure that people received coordinated and person-centred care and support.
Staff recruitment procedures ensured that appropriate pre-employment checks were carried out to ensure only suitable staff worked at the service. Adequate staffing levels were in place.
Staff induction training and on-going training was provided to ensure that staff had the skills, knowledge and support they needed to perform their roles. Staff were well supported by the senior management team and had regular one to one supervisions.
Staff demonstrated their understanding of the Mental Capacity Act, 2005 (MCA) and they gained people's consent before providing support.
People were involved in planning how their support would be provided and staff took time to understand people’s needs and preferences. Care documentation provided staff with appropriate guidance regarding the care and support people needed to regain their independence. Staff treated people with kindness, dignity and respect and spent time getting to know them and their specific needs and wishes.
People, relatives and staff were encouraged to provide feedback about the service and it was used to drive continuous improvement. The provider had systems in place to monitor the quality of the service and had a process in place which ensured people could raise any complaints or concerns.
The service notified the Care Quality Commission of certain events and incidents, as required.