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Cathedral Care (Sale)

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

5A Washway Road, Sale, M33 7AD (0161) 260 1640

Provided and run by:
Cathedral Care Services Limited

Report from 13 September 2024 assessment

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Updated 4 November 2024

The service was well-led. The management team were experienced and approachable and were passionate about providing high quality, safe and effective care. Governance systems were in place and robust. Where improvements were required, they were actioned promptly. The staff team felt well supported and valued. Staff felt empowered by the management team and were keen to progress with training and support. People and their relatives told us they felt the service was well-led. People spoke positively about staff support and the support they received from the management team. The provider had been recognised for their services to reducing social isolation for the people they supported. Professionals involved with the service spoke positively about staff and management team.

This service scored 79 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Shared direction and culture

Score: 3

Staff felt fully supported and were aware of the providers vision to grow the service. Staff told us morale was very high and one staff member told us, “We all have 1 goal which is the welfare of service users.” All staff told us there was a culture of teamwork and it was evident by talking with staff, they genuinely knew the people they supported, very well. Leaders demonstrated a positive, compassionate and listening culture. Staff told us the management team were very responsive and were always available for guidance and support.

Processes were in place to promote equality and diversity for the people the provider supported and the staff team. We saw examples of how people had been supported to retain their independence and reduce reliance on health and social care systems and saw how staff were supported to stay well at work. The provider worked closely with the local authority to understand local issues and had been successful in piloting projects to support people to remain in their own home.

Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders

Score: 3

Staff told us the provider trusted them to fully complete their role and have accountability for their actions. Staff explained they trusted each other and the management team who were knowledgeable and visible. Staff were fully aware of people’s needs and how best to support them. Staff told us communication was very good throughout the service and they were continually kept up to date which information relating to the care and support of people and the wider organisation.

There was a strong and experienced leadership team within the organisation who were supported by trusted assessors and senior care workers. Staff were aware of processes in place should they wish to raise information relating to a poor culture. Stringent recruitment processes had been implemented and followed by the provider. The provider had identified how they wished to grow the organisation to be successful.

Freedom to speak up

Score: 3

Staff felt fully confident to speak up and raise any concerning information with managers, safeguarding teams and commissioners. There was a culture of openness and transparency, and staff told us they would always be supported even if something had gone wrong and it was about learning what they could do better. All staff spoken with felt valued and were confident they would be listened to.

Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion

Score: 3

Staff were engaged and felt empowered to work autonomously and with confidence. Staff were able to contribute to staff meetings and supervisions and were confident they would be listened to. Staff felt valued by the provider.

There were policies and procedures in place which underpinned the importance of the fair and equitable treatment of staff and the well-being of the workforce.

Governance, management and sustainability

Score: 3

Staff understood their roles and responsibilities. Staff were able to describe how they stored confidential information as well as ensuring the electronic care app remained secure on their phone. Staff and the management team understood the importance of reporting any changes to people’s wellbeing. Staff kept detailed records of the support people had received.

There were robust governance processes in place to monitor and improve the service. An outcome monitoring assessment had been introduced which reviewed an individual’s care plan to ensure the provider was meeting the desired outcome or goal. Where the review identified shortfalls, an action was implemented to review and agree the care to be provided. There were security measures in place to ensure all electronic information was stored safely and securely. The provider submitted information to partner agencies when required.

Partnerships and communities

Score: 4

All people spoken with, described Cathedral Care (Sale) as the best care agency they had ever been supported by. This was also echoed by relatives. People and relatives told us the kindness and transparency of all the staff meant they loved having the staff as company and for some people, the staff had become a part of their family. Some people had been introduced to a befriending support group following staff observing the person was at risk of becoming isolated. The group was local to the area and arranged for volunteers to visit people who were lonely and build up a friendship. This had resulted in some people leaving their home and joining in local social events.

Staff worked in partnership with health and social care professionals to ensure people received continuity of care.

The provider had successfully taken part in a pilot project to reduce readmissions to hospital. The project was supported by the local authority and allowed people to be supported by a team of staff to ensure their transition back to their own home was successful.

The provider had onboarded with a business mentor to support them with compliance and regulatory change. This was a new process to assist the provider with laws and legislation as well and supporting employee’s health and safety.

Learning, improvement and innovation

Score: 3

Staff and the management team ensured people, and their families were involved and listened to. People supported were continually asked for feedback to assist the provider in reviewing where any improvements could be made. Staff and the management team maintained robust oversight of all systems to support people effectively and keep them safe.

The provider regularly asked for feedback on the service and there were many comments describing the team as, “Positive, professional, respectful, excellent and dignified.” More recently, the provider had been nominated for an award with the local authority and had won the award for corporate volunteering. This was because the provider had been recognised for their dedication to reducing isolation by referring people to the befriending service and keeping them connected with local events and opportunities.