- Independent hospital
Orthopaedics and Spine Specialist Hospital
Report from 22 March 2024 assessment
The overall rating for the key question of well-led remained the same. We rated well-led as requires improvement. We looked at 2 quality statements in surgery services in well-led and these scores combined with the scores for effective from the last inspection. We continued to find areas of improvement in governance management in the service. Although the service had established processes for auditing, and reporting on quality, including external review, the service did not have a quorate medical advisory committee (MAC) and did not keep up-to-date records of MAC meetings. We were not assured that the MAC was operating effectively to provide oversight of audit, quality, and safe practices and we have requested an action plan from the service to ensure compliance. Leaders ran services well using performance and quality systems focused on the needs and outcomes of patients receiving care. Staff told us they could raise concerns to leaders and felt they were heard and valued.