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  • Homecare service

Kulera Care

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

3 Parsons Close, Nether Stowey, Bridgwater, TA5 1JS 07729 957636

Provided and run by:
Kulera Care Ltd

Report from 24 October 2024 assessment


  • Overall


  • Safe


  • Effective


  • Caring


  • Responsive


  • Well-led


Our view of the service

Date of assessment: 5 to 7 November 2024. Kurela Care is a care agency which provides personal care to people living in their own homes. At the time of this assessment the service was providing live-in care to 4 people across a large geographical area. The service was well managed by a provider who was also the registered manager and who was competent, open and honest. They promoted a culture of high-quality person-centred care. Staff were safely recruited and received the training needed to safely and effectively support people. People received their medicines safely from staff who had undertaken specific training and had their competency assessed. This helped to make sure their practice was in accordance with up-to-date best practice guidance. The provider worked with other professionals to make sure people received care and support which met their needs and respected their rights. The provider had good oversight of the service. They monitored care provided and regularly reviewed people’s individual needs. Staff felt fairly treated and well supported by the management of the service. This enabled them to provide individualised care to people they cared for. There was an excellent assessment process which made sure people were well matched to staff. This led to positive outcomes for people and improved their quality of life.

People's experience of this service

People were extremely happy with the care and support they received. Comments included “They are fantastic” and “Well trained, I have every confidence in them. When I say they are really good I mean they just couldn't be better.” People felt safe with the staff who supported them, and relatives reported people to be relaxed with their carers and the provider/registered manager. People had assessments and care plans which were very comprehensive and gave staff all the information they needed to provide very personalised care. People and relatives felt fully involved in planning their care. Staff promoted people’s independence and choice. Staff also supported people to continue to pursue their hobbies and interests. People received their care and support from staff who undertook regular training. This enabled them to provide care in accordance with up-to-date guidance and best practice. Relatives spoken with had confidence in the staff who cared for their loved one. All felt staff had the knowledge and skills needed to meet people’s individual needs. People were cared for by staff who adapted to their changing needs and wishes. Relatives felt staff noticed changes in people and responded appropriately to make sure they received additional care or treatment when needed. People were able to follow their personal routines and interests, and staff supported them in a person-centred way. People thought that all the staff they interacted with were kind and compassionate. People’s relatives said they would be comfortable to raise any issues or concerns. All felt they would be listened to, and the provider/registered manager would take action to address any shortfalls. No one we spoke with had any complaints about the service.