Updated 6 December 2024
Date of Assessment: 10 January to 16 January 2025. The service is a care at home service providing personal care support. Staff supported people with their personal care needs and promoted their independence, which enabled them to live in their own homes. At the time of the inspection the service supported 13 people with personal care. Staff had a good understanding of their safeguarding responsibilities. Staff we spoke with demonstrated they placed great importance on ensuring any action was taken to keep people safe. Risks were well managed and risk assessments were person centred and promoted people’s independence. Medicines were managed and administered safely. People were fully involved in decisions about their care and support. Detailed assessments were used to develop person centred care records that gave staff sufficient detail to know what was important to and for the person. Staff told us there was a very good culture and supportive teamwork. One staff member said, and “I love my job. I am so proud of what we do.” The registered manager was regularly in contact with people to help ensure the service was meeting their needs and expectations. The registered manager and staff spoke passionately about supporting and promoting people’s independence. They spoke fondly and in caring and respectful ways about people who used the service. One staff member said, “I want to give the best care I can. It’s about helping people to keep their independence. That’s what it’s about.” Staff told us they felt valued, involved and respected. The registered manager was very involved and had very good oversight and knowledge of the service, and the people who used it. The registered manager was very committed to providing responsive person-centred care. Staff we spoke with shared that commitment.