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  • Homecare service

Eclectic Care Ltd

Overall: Requires improvement read more about inspection ratings

Suite FB9 B, Old Library, St. Faiths Street, Maidstone, ME14 1LH (01622) 801285

Provided and run by:
Eclectic Care Ltd

Report from 10 September 2024 assessment

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Updated 21 January 2025

People felt staff knew their needs and supported them to live healthier lives. Staff understood the principles of the mental capacity act and were able to describe supporting people in line with the principles. Staff worked well together across the service. We received positive feedback from healthcare professionals about the service’s ability to provide safe and effective care for people.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Assessing needs

Score: 3

People’s needs were assessed prior to receiving a service to ensure staff had the skills and knowledge to meet the person’s needs. This included information in relation to people’s physical and psychological needs, their wellbeing and communication. The registered manager completed the initial assessment with the person and their loved ones. The information obtained during the initial assessment was then used to develop the person’s care plan and risk assessments. People’s care records were reviewed on a regular basis and changes were made when required. A health care professional told us the registered manager ensured people and others involved in their lives were involved in the initial assessment to achieve a comprehensive view of the person and their needs.

Delivering evidence-based care and treatment

Score: 3

Records showed people and their relatives had been involved in the development and review of their care records. People’s needs and preferences in relation to their nutrition and hydration had been recorded within their care plan. This included how people liked to be served their meals and drinks.

How staff, teams and services work together

Score: 3

People told us staff knew them well and knew how to meet their needs. Staff gave examples of how they had worked in partnership with relevant healthcare professionals following their guidance and advice. A healthcare professional told us how the registered manager had made a prompt referral to the local authority when a person’s needs had changed. They said, ‘Eclectic Care Ltd followed up the referral made…with phone calls and made sure that they got a response as to when we would carry out a care needs assessment for the individual.’

Supporting people to live healthier lives

Score: 3

Staff understood people’s needs and preferences which were reviewed on a regular basis. Healthcare professionals were involved as required to ensure people remained as healthy as possible. Staff and the management team worked proactively to ensure that any identified deterioration of a person was acted on immediately. Records confirmed people were offered a variety of healthy meals in line with their choices and preferences.

Monitoring and improving outcomes

Score: 3

People and relatives' views were sought on a regular basis via quality assurance visits, these monitored staff whilst ensuring people’s views were sought about their care and support. A healthcare professional spoke positively about the agency saying, ‘Eclectic Care Ltd act as an advocate to the individual they support.’

People told us and records confirmed that staff sought consent prior to entering people’s home and before any care or support task was started. People’s ability to consent to things such as their caring treatment had been assessed and recorded within their care records. Staff had been trained and understood the importance of ensuring people were offered a choice and were given the opportunity to make their own decisions as much as possible. For example, one person’s daily notes showed they had declined care, and this had been respected by the staff. A healthcare professional commented, ‘Eclectic Care Ltd are passionate about the individual they support and have never hesitated to join best interest meetings for the individual they support when requested.’