Updated 25 November 2024
Date of Assessment: 28 November to 2 December 2024. The service is a residential care home with nursing providing support to older people living with dementia and nursing needs. We carried out this comprehensive assessment following information from the local authority regarding concerns in relation to management of medicines, medicine administration for pain relief, safe management of nutritional needs and end of life care. The service had been working with the local authority and quality monitoring team, safeguarding investigations were still ongoing by the local authority. The manager had taken a proactive response and immediately implemented a number of checks, reviews and refresher training for staff to demonstrate learning from issues that had been raised and facilitate ongoing learning and improvement. There was a positive learning culture at the service, management had been open and transparent with staff regarding the concerns. Staff spoke of pride in working for the home and felt that the home was well-run and people received a high level of care. The managers registration was confirmed following the assessment. People were protected and kept safe. The service had robust processes in place to assess people’s needs and respond to risk. There was an open and transparent leadership which supported improvement. People and staff told us they would feel confident to raise concerns and these would be responded to by management. Staff received training and support to ensure staff had the skills and knowledge to meet people’s needs safely and effectively. Medicines procedures were in place, staff received training and competencies were assessed. The environment was maintained to ensure it was safe and the home appeared clean and tidy throughout. There were robust quality assurance checks completed by the manager, provider and external teams to ensure care, treatment and good outcomes for people were maintained. There were ongoing improvement plans for the home.