Updated 3 October 2024
Date of assessment 26 November to 10 December 2024. Rocklee is a residential care home providing care and support to people with mental health conditions. This assessment was carried out in response to concerns raised by visiting professionals relating to the care people receive and care documentation. The overall rating for the service has changed from good to requires improvement based on the findings of this assessment. We found 2 breaches of the legal regulations in relation to safe care and treatment, and governance. The provider did not always robustly assess the risks to people's health and safety. People’s care plans and risk assessments did not always reflect people’s current needs. Risks to people's health and safety were not always clearly assessed and actions for staff to follow to mitigate risks were not clearly recorded. Emergency protocols for evacuating people in the event of fire were not available on request and emergency procedures for turning off energy sources were not completed. Health and safety checks, such as water temperatures exceeded health and safety guidance. Previous staffing rotas were not retained to review the skill, gender and levels of staff on duty. Governance systems and audits were not effective when identifying or addressing the discrepancies found during this assessment. Policies and procedures were not kept updated with changing legislation. The values of the organisation were shared with the staff team. However, the language used within some care plans was not reflective of these values. Some of the language used was not empowering to people using the service and did not reflect choice and independence. However, people were supported to have choice and control, and people were empowered to give feedback on their care. Staff were knowledgeable about people and could tell us about people’s health conditions and support required. The provider was responsive to all areas of concern identified during this assessment.