We visited Rocklee on a planned unannounced inspection which meant that the service did not know we were coming. We are changing how we inspect services in the future and also making changes in how we report our findings. Below is a summary of our finding based on our observations, speaking to people who used the service, the staff supporting them and from looking at records. If you wish to see the evidence supporting our summary please read the full report.
Is the service safe?
Systems were in place to ensure that the premises were safe and secure. The required health and safety checks and servicing of equipment were completed.
Sufficient staff were provided to deliver people's care needs; there was flexibility in the staffing levels to provide support to people in an individual way.
Medication was stored securely and systems were in place for people to receive their medications at the prescribed times and frequency. Some improvements were needed to ensure the administration of 'as required' medication and the accuracy of the checks were safe and robust.
Is the service responsive?
People who used the service were encouraged and supported to engage with services, activities and events outside of the home.
The service had a complaints procedure for people to use where they were unsatisfied with the care provided. Some people felt confident to voice their concerns others were not quite so confident.
Is the service caring?
Most people who used the service told us that the staff were good and they were satisfied with the care and support provided. Some people told us that some staff were not quite so supportive and at times felt their privacy was compromised.
We observed that staff considered the safety and welfare of people when they were out of the home.
The home had regular client's meetings which offered people the opportunity to discuss life at the home. Meetings were held in private with no staff intervention or attendance. People who used the service were regularly asked their views in relation to food and support that was provided.
Is the service effective?
People who used the service were supported to be as independent as possible.
People who used the service told us they were able to do whatever they wished to do each day. Sometimes they liked to participate in group activities, attend activities in the local community and at other times liked to spend time alone. We saw that staff respected these choices.
People's health, social and support needs were assessed and recorded. Regular reviews of the plans were completed and updated when any changes were identified.
Support for staff was provided through training and supervision.
Is the service well led?
Systems were in place to regularly monitor the quality and safety of the service.
Most people who used the service and were at the home during the inspection told us they were satisfied and happy to be living at Rocklee.
Improvements were needed to ensure that records were accurately completed, maintained and provided the necessary information to meet the needs of people who used the service.