- Homecare service
Meritum Integrated Care LLP (Folkestone)
Report from 15 August 2024 assessment
On this page
- Overview
- Shared direction and culture
- Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders
- Freedom to speak up
- Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion
- Governance, management and sustainability
- Partnerships and communities
- Learning, improvement and innovation
The management team promoted an open culture where people, staff and others’ views and feedback were sought and acted on. The management team were proactive and keen to learn to continuously improve the service people received. The entire team understood their role and responsibility to provide people with high quality care. Systems were in place to monitor and improve the quality of the service. The management team engaged in external groups to continuously learn and share best practice.
This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.
There was a clear vision and set of values for the organisation which staff followed. These were displayed on a banner within the registered office, and they were, ‘You look after people as if you would a family member or close friend.’ This was also detailed within the ‘Service User Guide’ which each person was given a copy of. The registered manager said, “There is a “values board” in the office; we are a family run business and we share family values, much less so a corporate approach.” Staff spoke positively about working for the agency and being supported by the management team. Comments included, “I love working for Meritum”, “I enjoy my job” and “This is a nice company everything is nice and helpful.” There was evidence of supervision, appraisals and meetings where staff were encouraged to share their views.
Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders
There was an experienced management team in place who led by example. The management team demonstrated a genuine passion for people and in providing the best possible care to people. The management team led with openness and honesty to ensure that care and support was delivered in line with people’s wishes and expectations. Staff told us they felt supported by the management team. Staff told us, “It’s a good company they have been good with me especially the office ladies. The manager knows what she’s doing”, “The registered manager and my line manger are good they help me with everything. [Name] in the office is great. I have no concerns to raise” and “The management are very supportive. If I have issues, they make sure something is done. They try to make us all comfortable in work.” The senior management team held regular meetings where any quality issues were discussed, and action plans with remedies were put in place.
Freedom to speak up
Staff confirmed they had been invited to team meetings and were encouraged to contribute. Staff knew how to raise concerns with the provider or outside the organisation if they needed to, for example with the local authority or CQC. Staff understood whistleblowing and felt confident to do this if necessary. One staff member said, “I do feel I’m supported, valued and listened to. Usually when I talk to the manager, they take time to listen. If there is a problem with the client and I, they take time to assist me if I don’t understand.” The provider had systems in place to foster a positive working culture, where staff felt they could speak up and have their voices heard. There was a Freedom to Speak Up policy in place and the complaints process was available to everyone. Staff received an annual survey to give feedback about their role and the organisation. The last survey in May 2024 showed that 65% of staff felt valued by the agency, 100% of staff enjoyed their role as a community carer, staff felt their training needs were met and they felt able to discuss any concerns they had with their line manager. As a result of the feedback action was taken by the management team to see how they could ensure staff felt valued by the organisation.
Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion
The registered manager told us they were well supported by their external HR service to provide correct employment advice and utilised their experience and expertise when required. Staff said the culture of the service was honest and open, and they worked together well as a team. The workforce was diverse, and staff’s individual needs were identified, respected and supported. Autistic people and people with a learning disability are as entitled to live an ordinary life as any other citizen. The registered manager told us how they adhered to the principles of Right support, right care, right culture (RSRCRC) whilst supporting people in their family homes. They said, “We adhere to the principles of RSRCRC. For example, by having a regular care worker for that person, that the person likes and trusts and for whom their needs are very well known. Carer continuity is essential, and we try to maintain this as far as possible. Providing specific training for the carer to support them with their service user. Finding the right person or carer for the person.”
Governance, management and sustainability
Staff told us they liked working at the service and told us the management team was very supportive. Staff told us they felt able to approach the management team with any concern, confident that any concern raised would be acted upon appropriately. The entire staff and management team understood their role and responsibility to provide people with safe, high-quality care. The registered manager told us they were able to access the electronic recording system at anytime remotely. They said, there was an on-call system for staff to seek support or raise concerns at any time. The provider had an audit programme in place, and regular audits were undertaken by the management team. The management team had correctly submitted statutory notifications to CQC. People’s personal records were stored securely, password protected so that only staff who had been authorised to access the information could do so. An audit schedule and task list were in place for all management tasks such as, sending quality assurance questionnaires, staff meetings, newsletters and community spot checks.
Partnerships and communities
People told us their views were sought through a variety of ways on a regular basis. This included regular review meetings, spot checks and surveys. People were confident that any concerns they raised would be acted on and changes would be made to improve the service. The provider worked in partnership with health partners, Social Services and the local authority contracting team. This enabled them to share information and learning. We received positive feedback from external health care professionals and commissioners in relation to the joined-up partnership way of working. A contract manager said, “Meritum has been a very responsive, proactive and flexible provider, always trying to find solutions and they communicate any issues or concerns that need to be resolved.”
Learning, improvement and innovation
There was a commitment to continuous learning and improvement. The management team and wider organisation used networking opportunities to share best practice and learn about ways they could improve the service people received. The registered manager said, “We are part of Kent Integrated Care Alliance (KICA), and the nominated individual (who is a person appointed by an organisation to be the primary point of contact with the CQC), is one of the Directors in the home care section. We use Skills for Care. Some of our carers have been short listed and won regional carer of the year awards. We access the Carer’s and the National Carer’s Association.” These provided opportunities for partnership working. Surveys were sent out to gain feedback from people, relatives and staff. Meetings held with people also captured feedback and suggestions. Complaints were appropriately managed, and the service had received several thank you cards and compliments.