- Care home
Oakwood Bungalows
Report from 3 July 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
We carried out this assessment between 16 September and 9 October 2024. This assessment was in response to CQC receiving information of concern regarding an incident involving restraint. We found mental capacity and best interest decision assessments were not always in place, however following the site visit the provider submitted evidence that these were now in place. Risk assessments relating to the use of emollient creams were not detailed, to ensure people consistently received safe care and support. Improvements were required to the providers governance systems ensuring they had full oversight of the service. Leaders were responsive when concerns were raised. People and their relatives were involved in the care and support provided by staff. People received their medicines as prescribed.
People's experience of this service
People were happy with the care and support they received. People and relatives stated the home was clean and was undergoing a program of redecorating. Relatives felt the home was safe and a book for all visitors to sign in when visiting the home had been put into place. People were able to access the community and see their family. Relatives felt things were improving since the new management team had been in place and felt able to raise queries or concerns. People were supported by sufficient numbers of trained staff who were recruited safely to meet their needs. A relative said, “we used to know every staff member, so we were concerned with staff changing. But they are getting more permanent staff there now.” Relatives were kept informed of changes. A relative said, “I don’t attend the meetings but when I visit, they do let me know anything. They said they were taking [person’s name] on a visit to Mablethorpe so I visited on another day.” However, some relatives felt reasons for the changes to the registration of the service were not clear and if there would be any impact on the service no longer providing nursing care.