- Dentist
Greg Gossayn Dental Surgery
We served warning notices on Mr Gregory Gossayn on 23 January 2025 for failing to meet the regulations related to safe care and treatment and good governance at Greg Gossayn Dental Surgery.
All Inspections
30 August 2013
During an inspection looking at part of the service
On the 2 August 2013, the provider sent us a plan of the actions intended to meet the requirements of the regulations. We carried out this inspection to check on the actions taken. We looked at records relating to people's treatment and other records regarding the service and discussed matters with the practice manager. We found that improvements had been made and that the provider had taken sufficient and appropriate action to meet the requirements of the regulations.
7 June 2013
During an inspection looking at part of the service
Following our visit in March, we had asked the provider to send us an action plan setting out what would be done to meet the requirements of the regulations. The action plan was received on the 14th May. We made a further visit on the 7th June 2013 to check on the action the provider had taken to meet the requirements of the regulations. We found that improvements had been made and that the provider had taken appropriate and sufficient action to comply with Regulations 9, 12 and 20. However, we noted that some issues of concern remained and have set further compliance actions relating to respecting and involving people who use the service (Regulation 17) and supporting workers (Regulation 23).
1 March 2013
During a routine inspection
The practice was friendly and welcoming. However the staff told us that they were not all registered with the General Dental Council, they could not demonstrate that they were well trained and up to date with their continued professional development. There was lack of organization in the practice, management tasks such as audits had not been carried out which meant that they could not demonstrate that the service was safe for patients who use it.