- Care home
Redlands House
Report from 25 November 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Date of Assessment: 10 Dec 2024 to 17 Jan 2025. The service is a residential care home providing support to older people living with dementia and/or mental health conditions. At the time of this assessment, 32 people were living at Redlands House. We identified some shortfalls at this assessment in relation to medicines management. However, the management team were receptive to our feedback and immediately acted upon it to ensure improvements were made. People received care that was person-centred, kind, compassionate and that had a positive impact on their quality of life. People’s needs had been thoroughly assessed and care had been planned with them and those important to them. Care was delivered by safely recruited staff who had been trained and understood the importance of providing respectful, safe and dedicated care to ensure people’s outcomes were consistently good. Care delivery was based on best practice guidance and monitored; to support people’s health and wellbeing and ensure they lived healthier lives. People had enough to eat and drink and had access to health professionals as needed. Appropriate consent was in place and staff understood the need for this. People were treated with kindness and respect and the home’s culture was one of positivity, engagement and warmth; relatives and visitors were made to feel welcome and involved. Staff felt cared for and valued and told us morale was high. Staff were well trained, supported and encouraged to be the best they could be in their roles. Managers lead by example and demonstrated a commitment to continuous learning and improvement. Their positive values encouraged the same of their staff and this ensured people lived in a happy home filled with warmth. Managers were visible, encouraging and knowledgeable, and they sought people’s feedback and acted upon it. They, and their staff, worked in partnership with other stakeholders to ensure people received continuous care that was the best it could be.
People's experience of this service
The people who used the service were not always able to tell us about their experiences but their relatives provided feedback and were overwhelmingly positive about the quality of the care. They spoke of a service that was welcoming, nurturing and kind. They told us they felt reassured knowing their loved ones were safe and well cared for by staff who were kind and supportive. One relative said, “Staff are so kind, they go above and beyond. All the staff work so well together, it makes such a difference. The staff are all extremely nice with [relative]… I see them talking to others and one lady likes a hug and they all stop and give her a hug as they go past, it's all lovely. It’s such a happy place .” Relatives told us they felt involved in the care of their family members and this included thorough and regular care plan reviews and being kept informed; they told us communication was regular and appropriate. Relatives told us their family member’s health and wellbeing were supported and that the service was proactive in its approach to care. They spoke positively about the skills and abilities of all staff and told us the management team were approachable, visible, supportive and effective; some people felt the home had further improved under the current management. All the people who provided us with feedback told us they would recommend the home. They told us this was because their family members were safe and well cared for and that the values of the staff meant people received consistently thoughtful care.