- Ambulance service
Yormed Ambulance Station
Report from 7 November 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
YorMed ambulance station is operated by YorMed Limited. The service has been registered with CQC since 2011. It has been under the current ownership since January 2018. It is an independent ambulance service based in Malton, North Yorkshire. The service did provide PTS for an NHS ambulance trust up until February 2024. The service has had a registered manager in post since August 2018. The service had been inspected twice before; firstly in July 2019. This resulted in them being served two warning notices. CQC undertook an unannounced fully comprehensive inspection in November 2023 due to concerns recevied regarding patient safety. This also resulted in enforcement action and an overall rating of inadequate. CQC's follow up inspection was done in October 2024 using our single assessment framework. This confirmed managers had addressed all required actions from our warning and requirement notices.