• Ambulance service

Yormed Ambulance Station

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Manor Farm, Eddlethorpe, Malton, YO17 9QT

Provided and run by:
YorMed Limited

Report from 7 November 2024 assessment



Updated 9 January 2025

At CQC’s last inspection in November 2023, Well led was rated Inadequate. At this inspection Well led was rated Requires Improvement. Managers were clear about the service’s vision. Staff at all levels were competent, skilled and trained for their roles and responsibilities. The service and staff were well-led by leaders who embodied the cultures and values of their workforce. Managers promoted and encouraged a speak up and blame-free culture indicative to learning where staff could raise concerns. Managers and staff treated everyone fairly and equitably. Staff had good awareness of their environmental initiatives and impact. The service’s governance and risk management culture had significantly improved since CQC’s last inspection. However, managers did not respond promptly to CQC’s offsite requests for governance and risk documentation. Some governance areas needed strengthening and further embedding before the service’s regulated activity increased. CQC were not clear how the service would enact their mission or strategy. Eight of the 14 whistleblowing cases CQC received about the service since their last inspection shared concerns. However, managers took all appropriate actions to address these concerns.