Updated 22 January 2025
We carried out an announced assessment at The Willows Medical Practice on the 12 February 2025.
The Willows Medical Practice is a GP practice and that delivers a service to approximately 7,670 patients under a contract held with NHS England. Information published by Office for Health Improvement and Disparities shows that deprivation within the practice population group is in the 5th decile (5 of 10). The lower the decile, the more deprived the practice population is relative to others. This assessment was carried out to review the improvements made following the previous CQC assessment in June 2023 where there was a breach of the Health and Social Care Act 2008. The assessment considered the demographics of the people using the service, the context the service was working within and how this impacted service delivery. Where relevant, further commentary is provided in the quality statements section of this report. The assessment reviewed the key questions for safe, responsive, well led and two quality statements from effective.
The overall rating for this assessment is Good.