- Independent doctor
Sapphire Clinics (London) Limited Also known as Curaleaf Clinic
Report from 24 May 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Sapphire is a private clinic that provides medical treatment for patients focused around the use of cannabis-based products for medicinal (CBPMs) use, which are prescribed by experienced medical staff working within the latest Governmental guidelines. The clinic is registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 to provide the regulated activities of diagnostic and screening procedures. Date of assessment 10 July to 16 August 2024. This assessment was a responsive assessment to follow up on information we had received about the service. The clinic’s patient numbers had increased considerably in a short space of time, and we had received concerns that the quality of the service had suffered as a result of this. Overall, we looked at all 7 quality statements in Safe, 3 quality statements in Effective, 1 quality statement in Responsive and all the quality statements Well-led. We had rated the service as ‘Outstanding’ in Well-led at the previous inspection and found they were still Outstanding in this area at this inspection. We did not find any evidence that the service offered to patients had been affected by their growth and noted they had received a number of recognition awards in relation to their work in relation to this area of medicine. We found there was strong leadership which put people first and placed them at the centre of their care. There was an open ethos with clear vision and values which were put into practice by staff, who were proud to work for the service and felt valued for their work. Staff told us they had the support they needed to do their job well. Staff were able to contact the management team at any time for support and guidance. A robust system of quality monitoring checks and audits were used to continually review all aspects of the service and timely action was taken in addressing areas identified for further improvement.
People's experience of this service
We did not speak directly with patients during this assessment. However, we reviewed the clinic’s internal patient survey and feedback provided to a social media platform. We found people were mostly positive about their experience of care and treatment at the clinic. However, we noted that some respondents on the social media platforms had given negative feedback citing the clinic’s reluctance to give refunds and/or significant delays in processing refunds even when they had been agreed. CQC had also received some direct feedback prior to the inspection in relation to this.