6 January 2025
Date of assessment: 10 July 2024. Royal Cornwall Hospital provides a range of NHS hospital services. This assessment looked at the medical care (including older people’s care) assessment service group (ASG) which we rated as requires improvement. We carried out a responsive assessment following information of concern on Zennor Ward. As we only assessed 1 ward as part of this assessment, none of the key questions have been re-rated. Therefore, all of the previous ratings from the last inspection remain. The rating from medical care (including older people’s care) has been combined with ratings of the other services from the last inspections. See our previous reports to get a full picture of all other services at Royal Cornwall Hospital. The rating of Royal Cornwall Hospital remains requires improvement.
In our assessment of Zennor Ward, we found the service had a good safety culture where staff regularly discussed patient care. Staff provided care in a kind and compassionate way, using well-defined procedures to assess risks and select a personalised care plan. People we spoke to felt that they were receiving considerate support delivered by competent staff. The environment was clean and tidy, but in need of modernisation and adjustments to make it dementia friendly. The leadership team was experienced, capable and visible on the ward. We saw that staff were providing good care to patients, but as we only assessed 1 ward, the overall rating for medical care (including older people’s care) remains as requires improvement
Medical care (Including older people's care)
6 June 2024
We carried out this assessment following information of concern around falls on Zennor Ward. We inspected 10 quality statements across the safe and well-led key questions. As we only assessed 1 ward as part of this assessment, none of the key questions have been re-rated. Therefore, all of the previous ratings from the last inspection remain. The service had a good safety culture where staff regularly discussed patient care. Staff escalated deteriorating patients when their condition deteriorated. Staff provided safe care and treatment, using well-defined procedures to assess risks and select a personalised care plan. The environment was clean and tidy, but in need of modernisation and adjustments to make it dementia friendly. An investment request for this work had been submitted by the senior leadership team. The leadership team was experienced, capable and visible on the ward. Zennor Ward has recently changed from a renal/endocrine ward to a ward providing older people’s care. The improved governance, as well efforts made by staff in terms of training and information sharing had resulted in a reduction in falls. During this assessment, we saw staff were providing good care to patients however, as we only looked at 1 ward, this did not change the overall rating of requires improvement for the medical care (including older people’s care) assessment service group (ASG) as a whole.
Urgent and emergency services
16 May 2024
Date of on-site assessment 2 May 2024. Dates of desktop assessment between 6 to 31 May 2024.
We carried out a responsive assessment of Urgent & Emergency Care (UEC) at Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS trust in response to concerns regarding its performance against the NHS constitutional standards for emergency care. We reviewed evidence categories in the 5 key questions: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive and Well-led.
The overall rating for this service is requires improvement. We last inspected UEC on 8th March 2022 where it was inspected but not rated. At this site visit, we saw there had been some improvement against the areas of concern found at the previous inspection.
We found two breaches of regulation where care and treatment was not always provided in a safe and timely way in line with clinical guidance and in an area of the department or correct specialty where it is safe to do so. Patients were not always admitted from the emergency department to a ward bed in a timely manner. Patients experienced waits in ambulances when the emergency department was at capacity. The issues found were linked to the crowding of the emergency department and the lack of care packages available in the local community which meant people in the hospital who were fit for discharge remained being cared for in the hospital setting. We also found that appraisals for staff were not completed regularly which was also an issue at the previous inspection.
The major area of concern was crowding. As with other hospitals, due to a crisis in capacity for ward beds, there were often patients being held on ambulances in the care of ambulance staff. This was due to the emergency department being full and patients who needed admission or specialty review being managed in an overflow area. Delaying ambulances led to delays for patients waiting in the community. These delays resulted in staff caring for patients longer than required in the emergency department.
Services for children & young people
14 December 2018
Our rating of this service stayed the same. We rated it as good because:
- Staff adhered to infection prevention and control policies and protocols.
- The units were clean, organised and suitable for children and young people.
- Incidents were reported and acted upon with feedback and learning provided to staff.
- Treatment and care were effective and delivered in accordance with best practice and recognised national guidelines.
- There was good multidisciplinary team working within the service and with other agencies.
- Children and young people were at the centre of the service and the priority for staff.
- Children, young people and their families were respected and valued as individuals.
- Care was delivered in a compassionate manner. Parents spoke highly of the approach and commitment of the staff who provided a service to their children.
- Children received excellent care from dedicated, caring and well-trained staff who were skilled in working and communicating with children, young people and their families.
- Staff understood the individual needs of children, young people and their families and designed and delivered services to meet them.
- There were clear lines of local management in place and structures for managing governance and measuring quality. The leadership and culture of the service drove improvement and the delivery of high-quality individual care.
- All staff were committed to children, young people and their families and to their colleagues. There were high levels of staff satisfaction with staff saying they were proud of the units as a place to work. They spoke highly of the culture and levels of engagement from managers.
- Innovation, high performance and the high quality of care were encouraged and acknowledged.
- There was poor compliance with mandatory training levels.
- Safeguarding training compliance remained a challenge and required continued improvement. We were not assured there was a consistency of understanding of processes and policies at the named lead doctor level.
- The location of the high dependency unit and the nursing observation arrangements remained a risk to children who were not visible to the main nursing station.
- Some staff had little training in mental health beyond their mandatory training. There was no further formal training to manage children and young people with complex mental health conditions who were in a crisis. Some staff said they did not feel adequately equipped to deal with these patients.
- Risk assessment and decision-making processes for children and young people with mental health needs were not always documented and some staff did not understand the requirements.
- There was a lack of coordination between patient record systems and this hampered delivery of effective care and treatment.
14 December 2018
Our rating of this service stayed the same. We rated it as good because:
- Staff followed best practice with regards to the prevention and control of infection. In general, there were good systems for staff to keep people safe and safeguarded from abuse. Most risks to patients were assessed and their safety was monitored. Staff had all the information they needed to deliver safe care and treatment. Staffing levels for nurses and doctors were provided at safe levels. Staff managed medicines safely. The service had a good track record on safety. When things went wrong, the team shared learning from investigations and made improvements.
- In general, the team provided care based on the best available evidence. The service monitored care and treatment using data from internal and external audits. Patient outcomes were mostly good compared to other services. Staff had the skills, knowledge and experience to deliver effective care. They were competent and had good opportunities for development. Staff worked well together and involved other services and organisations to deliver effective care and treatment.
- Staff were consistently caring and treated patients with kindness, dignity, respect and compassion. Patients were given the emotional support they needed. Patients and relatives felt involved in treatment decisions.
- In general, patients received personalised care responsive to their needs. Patients could usually access treatment in a timely way. Staff ensured the individual needs of complex patients were met. Consent to care and treatment was always sought in line with legislation and guidance. Patients complaints and concerns were listened to and used to improve quality of care.
- The local leadership team had the capacity and capability to deliver high quality sustainable care. Leaders understood the challenges to care and there was a strategy for improvement. There were clear roles, responsibilities and systems of accountability to support good governance and management. The culture of the unit was focussed on patient safety. Staff worked together to deliver good quality care.
- Some safety systems were not well monitored, such as mandatory training compliance. Not all risks to patient safety were assessed and well managed, such as the routine maintenance of medical equipment and the use of bed rails for patients.
- Not all necessary staff were involved in assessing, planning and delivering care and treatment. There were gaps in the multidisciplinary team which reduced patients’ access to rehabilitation and specialist nutritional advice.
- Not all care was responsive to patients’ needs. Patients sometimes were not admitted to the unit or discharged at the right time due to the demand for beds on the unit and the wider hospital. Complaints were not always handled in a timely way.
14 December 2018
We previously inspected diagnostic imaging jointly with outpatients, so we cannot compare our new ratings directly with previous ratings.
We rated this service as outstanding because:
- People’s needs were met through the way services were organised and delivered. Patients could access the service when it suited them, and staff ensured the individual needs of complex patients were met. Consent to care and treatment was always sought in line with legislation and guidance. Patients’ complaints and concerns were listened to and used to improve quality of care.
- The leadership, governance and culture were used to drive and improve the delivery of high-quality person-centred care. Risk was understood and managed and there was a proactive and collaborative approach to reviewing and improving quality and safety.
- People were protected by a strong comprehensive safety system, and a focus on openness, transparency and learning when things go wrong. There were safe levels of staff who were trained to provide safe care. Patient records, infection control practices, systems, and staff recognition and management of risks to patients assured us of a safe service.
- The team provided care based on the best available evidence. The service monitored care using data from internal audits. Staff had the skills, knowledge and experience to deliver an effective service. They were competent and had good opportunities for development. Staff worked well together and involved other services to support them in providing effective care.
- Staff were consistently caring and treated patients with kindness, dignity, respect and compassion. Staff made every effort to minimise any distress for patients.
- Some parts of the estate were not suitable for patient care and needed updating.
HIV and sexual health services
12 May 2016
We judged sexual health services as good overall because:
Patients were protected from avoidable harm. Openness and transparency about safety was encouraged. Staff understood their responsibilities and were encouraged to report incidents and near misses.
Safeguarding vulnerable adults, children and young people was managed proactively and effectively by staff trained to recognise early signs of abuse.
Staff were employed in sufficient numbers to run the service effectively. A daily briefing ensured all staff were aware of any potential risks or concerns regarding the operation of the clinics.
Patients’ care and treatment was planned and delivered in line with current national recommendations and legislation.
The service participated in local and national audits and used the outcomes to inform,develop and improve care pathways and patients’ care and treatment.
Staff worked well together as part of a multidisciplinary team to coordinate and deliver patients’ care and treatment effectively.
Patients were provided with sufficient information regarding their care and treatment needs to be able to give consent prior to procedures or treatments being carried out.
The sexual health service provided a caring service to patients.
The privacy, dignity and confidentiality of patients’ was protected and they were treated respectfully by the staff.
Patients we spoke with provided us with positive feedback regarding their experience of using the sexual health service.
The service was planned and delivered in various locations and at different times of day times, in order to meet the needs of the local population.
The facilities and premises we visited were fit for purpose.
The booking system for appointments was easy to use and supported patients to attend an appropriate clinic to meet their care and treatment needs.
Patients were advised on how to make a complaint, were listened and responded to and action was taken in response to complaints and suggestions received.
Staff were aware of a clear vision and strategy for the service in that the aim was to become a fully integrated sexual health service. However, this was dependent on future commissioning arrangements which lay with an external organisation.
There were effective governance systems within the service and the wider trust. The service was able to identify current and future risks and the actions required to address these issues.