• Hospital
  • NHS hospital

Gloucestershire Royal Hospital

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Great Western Road, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL1 3NN 0845 422 4721

Provided and run by:
Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Important: We are carrying out a review of quality at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital. We will publish a report when our review is complete. Find out more about our inspection reports.

Report from 15 February 2024 assessment



Updated 13 November 2024

Our overall rating of safe at Gloucestershire Hospitals NHSFT maternity services is inadequate. We assessed a total of 3 quality statements from this key question. We found areas of concern with sharing learning and induction processes. Processes for identifying and sharing learning were not effective and risks for women and their babies were not always identified and acted on in a timely way. Agency midwives were not all able to access patient records, IT systems or move freely between areas within the unit while they waited for induction processes to be completed. However, staffing numbers had improved and newly recruited staff were positive about support they received. Recruitment processes made sure appropriately qualified staff were employed in the unit. Staff were trained for their roles and provided with opportunities to develop. Medicines were managed safely. Staff were trained and knowledgeable about medicines they administered. Learning from medicines incidents was shared within the unit. Our overall rating of safe at Gloucestershire Hospitals NHSFT emergency care services is requires improvement. We assessed a total of 2 quality statements from this key question. We found areas of concern around fire safety, staff fire safety training and equipment maintenance. Staff were not following national regulations and guidance in relation to fire safety. Medical devices were not being tested in accordance with national regulations and guidance. Not all staff were up to date with their fire safety training.