• Hospital
  • Independent hospital

Nuffield Health Warwickshire Hospital

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

The Chase, Old Milverton Lane, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV32 6RW (01926) 427971

Provided and run by:
Nuffield Health

All Inspections

During an assessment of Surgery

Nuffield Health Warwickshire provides a range of private treatments and services. They had specialists in orthopaedics, spinal surgery, eye care, paediatric surgery, cosmetic surgery, and general surgery. The hospital saw both private and NHS patients. We inspected the assessment service group for adults only. As part of our assessment, we looked at 8 patient records, spoke with 3 patients, 1 relative and 22 members of staff including the theatre manager, director of clinical services, ward manager, scrub nurses, anaesthetists, consultants, healthcare assistants, a recovery nurse, pre-operative assessment lead and staff nurses. This assessment was completed as a risk-based assessment following information received about the service. Surgery has been rated as good overall. We found: There was evidence of a learning culture and patients were cared for in a safe environment. There were processes in place to assess the needs of the patients using evidence-based guidance. Staff provided patients with patient-centred care and treatment. There were governance processes in place which were effective, and staff knew their roles and responsibilities.

During an assessment of Medical care (Including older people's care)

Nuffield Health Warwickshire Hospital is operated by Nuffield Health. The hospital has 42 beds. Facilities include three operating theatres, an endoscopy suite and x-ray, outpatient and diagnostic facilities. The hospital provides surgery, medical care, services for children and young people, and outpatients and diagnostic imaging. We carried out an assessment of medical care services and surgery only. Medical care services was a small proportion of hospital activity. The main service was surgery. Medical care at this hospital included endoscopy and oncology services. The endoscopy service provided upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopy, urological endoscopic investigations and urodynamic investigations. The oncology service offered an ambulatory chemotherapy service to patients who attended for treatment on a day case basis. The hospital saw both private and NHS patients. We inspected the assessment service group for adults only. During our assessment, we spoke with 26 members of staff of all roles and responsibilities, 4 patients and reviewed 4 patient records. We conducted an evidence-based and onsite inspection from the 17 to 18 July 2024. We reviewed the safe, effective, caring, responsive and well led key questions. The overall rating for all key questions was good. We found; Care and treatment was safe, patients were cared for in a safe environment and there was evidence of a learning culture. Staff monitored the effectiveness of care and used findings to make improvements. Staff provided emotional support to patients and their families and understood patients’ personal needs. The service was inclusive and took account of patients’ individual needs and preferences, people could access the service when they needed it and received the right care promptly. Leaders operated effective governance processes and used systems to manage performance effectively. However, medicines were not always stored at recommended fridge temperatures.

During an assessment of the hospital overall

Nuffield Health Warwickshire Hospital is operated by Nuffield Health. The hospital has 42 beds. Facilities include 3 operating theatres, an endoscopy suite and x-ray, outpatient and diagnostic facilities. The hospital provides surgery, medical care, services for children and young people, outpatients and diagnostic imaging and treated private and NHS patients. We conducted a planned unannounced on-site assessment of medical services on the 17 and 18 July 2024 and surgical services on the 25 July 2024 following information of concern we had received. We followed the Care Quality Commission (CQC) Single Assessment Framework (SAF) and assessed against the safe, effective, caring, responding and well-led key questions. The overall rating for this hospital was good.

6, 7, 14 and 21 December 2016

During a routine inspection

Nuffield Health Warwickshire Hospital is operated by Nuffield Health. The hospital has 42 beds. Facilities include three operating theatres, an endoscopy suite and x-ray, outpatient and diagnostic facilities.

The hospital provides surgery, medical care, services for children and young people, and outpatients and diagnostic imaging. We inspected all four of these services.

We inspected this service using our comprehensive inspection methodology. We carried out the announced part of the inspection on 6 and 7 December 2016, along with unannounced inspections to the hospital on 14 and 21 December 2016.

To get to the heart of patients’ experiences of care and treatment, we ask the same five questions of all services: are they safe, effective, caring, responsive to people's needs, and well-led? Where we have a legal duty to do so we rate services’ performance against each key question as outstanding, good, requires improvement or inadequate.

Throughout the inspection, we took account of what people told us and how the provider understood and complied with the Mental Capacity Act 2005.

The main service provided by this hospital was surgery. Where our findings on surgery, for example, management arrangements, also apply to other services, we do not repeat the information but cross-refer to the surgery core service.

Services we rate

We rated this hospital as good overall.

We found good practice in relation to medicine:

  • Staff understood their responsibilities to report incidents and were aware of the duty of candour regulation of being transparent, open and honest. Lessons learned from incidents were shared among the team.
  • Areas were visibly clean, tidy and staff complied with infection prevention and control policies, such as hand washing.
  • Equipment was appropriately maintained and cleaned in line with guidance.
  • Staff monitored patients appropriately during procedures and used the national early warning scores to detect clinical deterioration.
  • Patients were pleased with the care received and were kept informed and involved in the treatment plans. We saw patients being treated with dignity and respect.
  • Staff we were able to describe their responsibilities related to the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards and patient’s consent was obtained in line with hospital policy.
  • We found there was appropriate local leadership, a positive working culture and a governance meeting structure within medical services.

We found good practice in relation to surgery:

  • Incidents were reported, there was feedback for staff and lessons were learnt.
  • There were processes in place to ensure that the hospital was clean.
  • Patients were appropriately assessed prior to surgery and there were processes in place to transfer patients should they require a higher level of care.
  • Comprehensive risk assessments were carried out for patients and risk management plans were developed in line with national guidance.
  • The service had an effective system to regularly assess and monitor the quality of its services to ensure patient outcomes were monitored and measured.
  • Patients were treated with dignity, compassion and empathy.
  • Theatres managed operating lists with flexibility, to meet patient’s individual needs.
  • There were no waiting lists and patients were seen within one to two weeks from their referral.
  • There was a clear governance structure in place with committees for medicines management, infection control and health and safety.
  • Staff we spoke with were motivated and positive about their work, and described all members of the senior management team as approachable and visible.

We found good practice in relation to services for children and young people (CYP):

  • Investigations of incidents, comments and complaints identified where improvements were needed and these were acted upon in CYP services.
  • Staff complied with infection prevention procedures and healthcare-associated infection rates were low.
  • CYP had their needs assessed, care planned and delivered in line with national guidelines.
  • Policies and procedures reflected current guidelines and adherence was monitored with a schedule of local audits.
  • CYP were assessed through pre-assessment clinics for their suitability to undergo treatment at the hospital.
  • Staff were aware of their responsibilities surrounding consent and staff understood their responsibilities under the Mental Health Act 2005 and the Children Act’s 1989 and 2004.
  • Governance arrangements ensured appropriately trained staff cared for CYP at all times.
  • Parents and children we spoke to told us how caring and supportive staff were and how staff went out of their way to make the hospital ‘child friendly’. This was also reflected in the positive feedback in patient satisfaction surveys completed by children and their parents.

We found good practice in relation to outpatients and diagnostic imaging:

  • There was a good track record of safety in the outpatients and diagnostic imaging departments.
  • There was a positive attitude towards learning from incidents and sharing learning with other departments.
  • All staff had an understanding and awareness of duty of candour principles.
  • There were good processes in place to ensure that equipment was stored, maintained and used safely.
  • Care was planned and delivered in line with national guidance and best practice guidelines.
  • There was an effective process of cyclical audits to identify areas for improvement and best practice.
  • Staff worked together to plan and assess care for patients.
  • Patients we spoke with told us that staff were kind, caring and respectful.

We found areas of outstanding practice in surgery and services for CYP:

  • The hospital held regular open events for the public, whereby, they could visit the hospital and attend sessions about a variety of procedures or conditions, such as varicose veins.
  • A consultant surgeon would hold ‘lunch and learn’ sessions with the local GPs, to discuss what procedures they carried out at the hospital.
  • A large toy car was stored in the play area for children who wanted to drive themselves to theatre for their operation rather than walking or being transported on a hospital bed.
  • CYP attending pre-assessment were shown the type of equipment that would be used when they were admitted to hospital. For example, syringes, cannulas and blood pressure cuffs. Younger children had the equipment demonstrated on ‘Nuffy Bear’ (Nuffield Heath toy bear) and were able to familiarise themselves by playing with the equipment.
  • A CYP satisfaction survey had been developed to capture service user feedback from children, young people of all ages and their parents. The survey responses were small (six) as this was a pilot of a small service. All responses were positive and praised the care and support of all the staff the child and their parent had come in contact with throughout their care episode. The survey encouraged younger children to draw their experiences on the form. For example, a child had depicted themselves as having ‘new super powers’ following their surgery. The survey had been piloted, and following a review would be circulated to all CYP attending the hospital in early 2017.

We found areas of practice that require improvement in medicine:

  • Audit results for the endoscopy and oncology patients were not captured separately in the hospital’s local audit programme. This meant that information for medical services to assess the effectiveness of care and treatment they provided, was not available.
  • We were not assured that the oncology service routinely collected and monitored information about the outcomes of patient’s care and treatment to ensure that the intended outcomes were achieved.
  • Medicines were not always stored at an appropriate temperature in the clinical room on the oncology unit. However, actions were being taken to reduce the risk of reduced efficacy of medicines.
  • There were inconsistencies with the documentation of the World Health Organisation safer surgery checklist in endoscopy.

We found areas of practice that require improvement in surgery:

  • Not all risks were identified on the hospital risk register.

Following this inspection, we told the provider that it should make improvements, even though a regulation had not been breached, to help the service improve. Details are at the end of the report.

Ted Baker

Deputy Chief Inspector of Hospitals

5 February 2014

During a routine inspection

During our visit to the Nuffield Health Warwickshire Hospital, we focused our visit in the outpatients department and the inpatient ward. We spoke with seven patients, four relatives, five staff nurses, two nursing managers, the hospital director, the matron, two administration staff and a ward hostess.

We found that there were good systems in place for recording and reviewing all aspects of patient consent. Patients were provided with detailed information at all stages of treatment. One patient told us, "They really looked after me and explained everything clearly."

Patients we spoke with told us they were very satisfied with the care they had received and we found evidence of clear and detailed care plans.

All the patients we spoke with were very pleased with the quality of the care that they received. Comments included, 'Wonderful experience,' and 'No hesitation in recommending it.'

We found there was an effective recruitment and selection processed in place and staff had been recruited appropriately.

Staff received appraisal, supervision and appropriate training. The staff felt supported in their role and felt there was good teamwork.

There was an effective complaints procedure and we saw evidence of learning from complaints. Staff knew how to escalate concerns and were confident that action would be taken if needed.

14 November 2012

During a routine inspection

We spoke with two patients, seven staff, the registered manager and head of clinical services. During the inspection we observed that staff were kind and respectful towards patients. The staff and patients we spoke with said there had been sufficient staff available to accommodate patients' needs.

We saw systems in place allowing patients and their relatives communicate their experiences of the hospital and the care it provided. We saw positive feedback had been given through the patient surveys about the staff and the care patients had received.

We saw patients' needs had been assessed, risks identified and personalised plans of care developed for each person. There was evidence of support by healthcare professionals to ensure patients' ongoing healthcare needs were met. The patients we spoke with confirmed they had been kept informed and had been given sufficient information about what to expect during their hospital stay. We saw a number of information leaflets and booklets available for patients.

During our tour of the hospital we saw theatre drug cupboards had been left open despite the provider's medication management policy stating medication must be stored securely. We have asked the provider to review this practice immediately.

14 April 2011 and 18 September 2012

During a routine inspection

People told us that pre admission assessments had been undertaken and everything had been explained to them in a way that made it easy to understand what was happening. 'everything was so clearly explained it was really good'.

People told us how considerate the staff were, day and night, always knocking on doors before entering and polite and friendly in their manner.

They were impressed with the speed and efficiency of their treatment and how their recovery was person led.

People confirmed that they had consented to their care and treatment and understood as things were 'clearly explained' and written in a way suitable to them. They had been given material to read about the procedure and opportunities to ask questions.

Comments received included:

'The attention is marvellous, especially straight after the operation; continually checking up, and seeing that you're not in pain, or need anything.'

'night service is good, too.'

'Could model a lot of the bigger hospitals on this'

'good communication'

'impressed with them all round'

'even the porter, who'd only met me once, remembered my name'

People spoken with said they received appropriate physiotherapy assistance in a planned way, with clear advice on follow-up action and exercises for them to do themselves.

People were happy with the food and the choices available.

'the food is good' and 'there is a good choice'.

People told us that there was a 'very good link' and co-operation between their GP, the consultant and hospital in their treatment.

People confirmed that their rooms were clean and that particular attention was paid to the bathrooms.

They were confident that medications were managed in their best interests with pain killers being given as required.

People spoken with spoke highly of the staff and the care they received. 'the staff are 'really good' really fantastic'.

'the doctors come every day and the nurses are wonderful, a good team'.

People we spoke with told us that they had no complaints about any aspect of the service, but said they would have no hesitation in raising anything they were not happy with, either with staff directly, or 'higher up' if necessary.