• Care Home
  • Care home

Holmwood Rest Home

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

39 Chine Walk, West Parley, Ferndown, Dorset, BH22 8PR (01202) 593662

Provided and run by:
Margaret Anne Gallagher

Report from 14 February 2024 assessment

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Updated 29 February 2024

People’s needs were assessed, they received care that achieved their outcomes. Working with external professionals and services to meet people’s needs. Health needs were met, access to resources to support people to live healthier lives. Consent was sought and people were involved in their health, wellbeing and supported to make choices in their care. If there was a concern a person lacked capacity to make individual decisions, an assessment was carried out in accordance with the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA).

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Assessing needs

Score: 3

Staff understood people’s needs well. They told us the documentation they used was of good quality and detailed.

People and their relatives told us care needs were discussed prior to moving to Holmwood Rest Home. A person told us about when they moved into the home and said, “I chatted with staff when I arrived about what I want to happen, what I need help with.” People were involved in the care assessments and arranged their care the way they wanted.

People’s care needs were assessed, reviewed, and updated as they changed. People’s records were accurate to the care they were receiving.

Delivering evidence-based care and treatment

Score: 3

Holmwood Rest Home had a holistic approach to delivering care and meeting needs. People and their relatives told us they felt involved, and they received ‘home from home’ care. One person told us, “I can live here how I want; I can choose things.” People worked in partnership with staff.

Staff told us they were confident their approaches were tried and tested, working with people to meet all their needs both physical and emotionally.

Policies and procedures were informed by evidence-based care. This was especially true in nutritional needs and preventing isolation.

How staff, teams and services work together

Score: 3

People and their relatives told us they were confident their information was being shared with professionals to ensure they had the best care. One relative told us the registered manager had helped them access support outside of the home, they were grateful of this support. This had demonstrated Holmwood Rest Home worked with others for the good of the person and their family.

Documentation was shared appropriately with external professionals, an example of this was temporary medical monitoring such as blood pressure and temperature readings. Communication had improved since our previous inspection.

Staff had access to easy-to-use information about people’s needs and shared this amongst those involved in their care. Staff told us there had been vast improvements in the documentation and quality of information held by the home.

People’s information was stored using templates which were clear and concise. This meant they could be easily shared with other professionals and others involved in people’s care.

Supporting people to live healthier lives

Score: 3

Information about people’s needs and ongoing progress could be easily shared as records were clear and comprehensive.

Holmwood Rest Home provided a ‘whole’ approach to people’s health and wellbeing. It included medical support and care but also good nutritious foods. Staff knew people well and understood the risks they faced in terms of their nutrition and hydration.

People were encouraged to live a healthy lifestyle but also the life they wanted to. One relative said, “They do exercises with my loved one [name] to keep them moving and as independent as possible” they told us this was important to the home to keep people enjoying life. People were complimentary about the food at the home. The dining experience was a social occasion enjoyed by everyone. People were confident they could get information about their care whenever they needed. Relatives told us they were kept updated.

Monitoring and improving outcomes

Score: 3

The registered manager and staff told us they work with the person to get the best possible outcomes for them. Listening to what they want makes sure they work in partnership to achieve it. One person told us, “The care is lovely here, as are the staff.”

People and their relatives told us about the improvements to their health, wellbeing, and general contentment since living at Holmwood Rest Home. One relative told us of an overall improvement to their life and said, “It’s amazing, their approach obviously works.”

Records showed clear goals and outcomes for people, however small it was what was important to the person.

People told us they were treated with respect and supported to live their lives how they chose. Consent was sought from people and where necessary people were protected by the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA). One person said, “I can live here how I want; I can choose things.” Another person said, “Staff ask me before they help me.” MCA assessments were completed for individual decisions where appropriate; these were carried out correctly and in line with legislation.

A clear process was in place to carry out MCA assessments where required. Records showed MCA assessments had been completed for individual decisions, were inclusive and reviewed.

The registered manager and staff had received bespoke training covering the MCA. The registered manager told us this had improved their knowledge, skills, and confidence. Staff told us how important it was to gain consent from people. A person said, “Staff ask my permission before supporting me, they talk me through what they are doing.”