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Barton House

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

1 Barton Terrace, Dawlish, Devon, EX7 9QH (01626) 864474

Provided and run by:
Libatis Limited

Important: The provider of this service changed - see old profile

Report from 16 October 2024 assessment

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Updated 10 December 2024

Responsive – this means we looked for evidence that the service met people’s needs. At our last inspection we rated this key question good. At this inspection the rating has remained good. This meant people’s needs were met through good organisation and delivery.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Person-centred Care

Score: 3

The service made sure people were at the centre of their care and treatment choices and they decided, in partnership with people, how to respond to any relevant changes in people’s needs. People told us they received good care, and their needs were well met. One person said, “I’m very happy, I absolutely love it here, I wouldn’t go anywhere else.” People’s relatives gave good feedback on care, one said, “I am incredibly impressed with the care mum receives.” People’s care plans were person centred. A staff member told us, “The care plan can take a few weeks to develop as we get to know the resident, and the care plan is often being added to and changing to meet the need of the resident.”

Care provision, Integration and continuity

Score: 3

The service understood the diverse health and care needs of people and their local communities, so care was joined-up, flexible and supported choice and continuity. Senior staff had a weekly meeting with a health professional to review people’s changing needs and people were supported to access health services. Relatives told us they were kept updated with any changing health needs. One relative told us, “They always phone me if there are any major changes or she needs a doctor.”

Providing Information

Score: 3

The service supplied appropriate, accurate and up-to-date information in formats that were tailored to individual needs. People were supported to access their information in ways that suited them.

Listening to and involving people

Score: 3

The service made it easy for people to share feedback and ideas, or raise complaints about their care, treatment and support. They involved people in decisions about their care and told them what had changed as a result. People and their relatives told us they would feel comfortable raising any concerns but had not had any cause to. One person said, “No complaints, nothing at all. Staff are wonderful. Food is wonderful. It’s just lovely.” A relative told us, “[If I had any concerns] I would speak to one of the managers and I would feel happy they would deal with it.”

Equity in access

Score: 3

The service made sure that people could access the care, support and treatment they needed when they needed it. Managers had good working relationships with local health professionals, and knew how to contact the appropriate teams to support people when the need arose.

Equity in experiences and outcomes

Score: 3

Staff and leaders actively listened to information about people who are most likely to experience inequality in experience or outcomes and tailored their care, support and treatment in response to this.

Planning for the future

Score: 3

People were supported to plan for important life changes, so they could have enough time to make informed decisions about their future, including at the end of their life. Whilst staff knew people well, people’s care plans didn’t always reflect their wishes when they reached the end of their life. Many people living at the service were active and well, and staff told us they weren’t always comfortable discussing a plan for the end of their life. However, the service was looking to develop this aspect of people’s care planning.