• Services in your home
  • Homecare service

Caremark (Rotherham)

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Unit 26, Fusion At Magna, Magna Way, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S60 1FE (01709) 789340

Provided and run by:
Aperta Care Limited

Report from 10 October 2024 assessment


  • Overall


  • Safe


  • Effective


  • Caring


  • Responsive


  • Well-led


Our view of the service

Date of Assessment: 21 November to 23 December 2024. The service is a care at home service providing support to children, young people and adults. The assessment was completed to review concerns we had received about the service. The provider had a good learning culture and people could raise concerns. Managers investigated incidents thoroughly. People were protected and kept safe. Staff understood and managed risks. There were enough staff with the right skills, qualifications and experience. Managers made sure staff received training and regular appraisals to maintain high-quality care. Staff managed medicines well and involved people and their families in planning any changes.

People's experience of this service

People and their relatives were positive about the care and support they received. They felt safe and were involved in planning their care. People and relatives said they received high quality care from knowledgeable staff who treated them as individuals. One relative said, “Yes, they [staff] treat [family member] with dignity and respect, giving them independence.” Another relative said, “They [staff] always treat [family member] like royalty. They spoil [family member].” People and relatives felt able to complain and were confident action would be taken, and improvements would be made. People and relatives knew staff and leaders and felt they could express their views. One relative told us, “I feel able to discuss my views.” People were complimentary about the service. One relative said, “It’s a good service. They [staff] helped me through the worst time of my life. I appreciate them.”