- Care home
Hambleton Court Care Home
Report from 18 December 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Assessment activity started on 8 January 2025 and concluded on 27 January 2025. We visited the service on 8 January 2025. The provider was previously in breach of the legal regulation in relation to the governance of the service and record keeping. Improvements were found at this assessment and the provider was no longer in breach of this regulation. Improvements had been made in several areas including person-centred care planning, activities, the handling of complaints, and the suitability and maintenance of the environment. People were supported by staff who knew their needs well, and there was a warm, homely and friendly atmosphere within the home. However, we found some weight and nutrition monitoring tools had been completed incorrectly. The registered manager reviewed this area following feedback and arranged further training for staff. Audits had improved and the provider was reviewing the quality of the service on an ongoing basis. However, further improvements were required to ensure quality assurance processes were as meaningful as possible.
People's experience of this service
People told us they were happy with the support received and felt safe and settled at the home. People were supported in a clean and homely environment which met their needs. People and relatives spoke positively about the staff team, who were described as ‘kind’, ‘patient’, and ‘friendly’. People received their medicines as prescribed. People were served home cooked meals and were given choice at mealtimes. People spoke positively about the food offered. People’s views were sought in meetings and through surveys. People told us they knew who to talk to if they had any concerns, and people and relatives confirmed the management team was approachable and responsive. People were happy with how the home was run and told us they would recommend it to others. Visitors to the service were made to feel welcome.