- Homecare service
Nefid Personnel
Report from 12 November 2024 assessment
On this page
- Overview
- Learning culture
- Safe systems, pathways and transitions
- Safeguarding
- Involving people to manage risks
- Safe environments
- Safe and effective staffing
- Infection prevention and control
- Medicines optimisation
During this assessment we looked at all 8 quality statements in the key question of safe. We found inconsistency in how safe recruitment was managed. We found examples of gaps in employment history and references, although thorough checks were being completed on other areas. We made a recommendation in relation to recruitment. Risks to people's care were safely managed and actions taken. Staff knew about what signs of abuse they needed to report and were confident in doing this or follow whistleblowing procedures.
This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.
Learning culture
We did not receive feedback from people or relatives about this quality statement.
The registered manager reviewed accidents and incidents on a monthly basis. Staff told us they would record any accidents and incidents and inform their line manager.
There registered manager had an audit of accident and incident reports that detailed the accident or incident, actions taken and any follow up required. This ensured an appropriate oversight of patters and trends.
Safe systems, pathways and transitions
We did not receive feedback from people or relatives about this quality statement.
The registered manager completed a visit to assess the needs of a new person using the service.
Information gathered from partners before our inspection did not indicate partners had any concerns about the service.
People's initial needs were described in their care plans to ensure staff knew their needs and preferences.
We did not receive feedback from people or relatives about this quality statement.
Staff knew how to identify signs of abuse and neglect and knew the process to follow if they needed to report any concerns. One staff member told us if they had any concerns "I would need to report to the manager straight away."
There were safeguarding policies and procedures in place and the registered manager was able to describe this. Training records showed staff had received training in safeguarding.
Involving people to manage risks
We did not receive feedback from people or relatives about this quality statement.
The registered manager assessed risks to people's care and control measures were planned to safely manage these risks.
In our review of care plans, we found most risks to people's care were assessed and planned for. We discussed with the registered manager that in a few examples, some risk assessments would benefit from additional detail to incorporate all the action staff were taking to safely manage risks to people, such mobility. Care was provided by a small staff team who were knowledgeable about how to safely manage risks.
Safe environments
We did not receive feedback from people or relatives about this quality statement.
The manager told us systems were in place to ensure the environment where care was provided was safe.
Environment risk assessment were completed to ensure the environment where care was provided was safe and free from hazards.
Safe and effective staffing
We did not receive feedback from people or relatives about this quality statement.
Staff did not raise concerns about staffing. The registered manager explained us how they tried to match the preferences of people with the staff member available. This ensured people were care by staff who they felt comfortable with.
We found inconsistency in how safe recruitment was managed. We found some areas were safely managed such as ensuring staff had the right to work in the UK and had a DBS check completed. However, we found staff's employment history and in particular the reason why they had left their jobs, was not always explored; we also found examples were we could not confirm the origin of references. The registered manager told us about their efforts to get this information and the issues with getting it from staff who come from outside the UK. We recommend the provider reviews and implements best practice in safe recruitment. Staff had received relevant training to do their jobs safely. Care was provided by a small staff team and in our review of the rotas we did not find concerns about staff's deployment.
Infection prevention and control
We did not receive feedback from people or relatives about this quality statement.
Staff told us PPE was available and used when required.
The provider had infection prevention and control policies and procedures in place. Staff had undertaken infection prevention and control training.
Medicines optimisation
We did not receive feedback from people or relatives about this quality statement.
The registered manager told us the checks they would complete on staff before they administered medication to people.
People using the service did not require support with their medication. The service had policies and procedures in place to be able to support people with medicines, if required.