- Care home
Carlisle Dementia Centre - Parkfield
Report from 16 October 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Date of assessment – 11 November 2024 to 19 November 2024. Carlisle Dementia Centre – Parkfield is a care home providing nursing and personal care to people with a range of needs, including those living with dementia and other complex mental health needs. At the time of the assessment 41 people were being supported. This was a responsive assessment due to receiving concerns about the care provided within the home and a previous incident. We looked at 7 quality statements. At our last inspection published on 8 June 2022, the service was rated good. We used an Expert by Experience to get feedback from people and relatives. An Expert by Experience is a person who has personal experience of using or caring for someone who uses this type of care service. Governance at the home needed to be improved. We gave the provider feedback during the assessment, as some of the concerns we found should have been identified and addressed through their own governance processes. The provider acknowledged that further work was required with governance at the service. Duty of Candour was not fully embedded. After a recent incident, the registered manager acknowledged they should have done better and was sincerely apologetic to the family involved. During feedback, discussion took place regarding reporting incidents to the Care Quality Commission as there was some uncertainty. This was going to be reviewed in line with legal requirements. People felt safe. Safeguarding measures were in place and had been reviewed after a recent incident and any risks to people were assessed and reviewed. People's independence was promoted, and people confirmed they were supported in the way they chose. People told us they were treated with equity and felt their needs were met by a dedicated staff team who were kind and caring. Staff were safely recruited, trained and supported, although one to one support had been less frequent than planned. This was being addressed by the provider.
People's experience of this service
People and their families were complimentary about the service and the kind staff team, saying it was safe and well run. We did receive concerns after a recent serious incident but found these concerns had been reviewed by the provider and actions taken, including reporting to relevant authorities for investigation. People and relatives told us staff knew how to protect them from abuse and would act if they thought something was wrong. People and their relatives felt any risks were identified and dealt with well by staff. People told us there were enough safely recruited and qualified staff, who they thought were professionally managed. People and their families told us independence was promoted, and their choices were supported. No person or family mentioned being treated differently and felt individuality was promoted.