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Carlisle Dementia Centre - Parkfield
Report from 16 October 2024 assessment
On this page
- Overview
- Learning culture
- Safe systems, pathways and transitions
- Safeguarding
- Involving people to manage risks
- Safe environments
- Safe and effective staffing
- Infection prevention and control
- Medicines optimisation
People felt safe and said that any risks were managed well. There had been a recent incident which had been investigated thoroughly and actions taken to stop any recurrence. Staff had received training to enable them to identify any abuse occurring and confirmed they would not hesitate to report any issues arising. Risks to people were identified and updated. Medicines were managed well. There were enough safely recruited staff in place, although one to one support for staff was a little behind expected schedules, this was being reviewed by the management team.
This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.
Learning culture
We did not look at Learning culture during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Safe.
Safe systems, pathways and transitions
We did not look at Safe systems, pathways and transitions during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Safe.
People and their relatives said it was a safe service. One relative said, “It (safeguarding) was discussed with the manager at a continuing health needs assessment. If I ever suspected abuse, I would discuss with staff, the nurse in charge or the manager who has said I can call them any time.”
Staff had received training in safeguarding people from harm and told us they would report any concerns.
Observations confirmed staff used their training to protect people from harm, including supporting people with heightened emotions to calm them and avoid the risk of escalation of behaviours.
Processes were in place to safeguard people. This included policies and procedures for staff to follow.
Involving people to manage risks
People and their relatives were involved with the management of risk. Comments included, “I feel his risks are well managed” and “Staff acknowledge [person] likes to wonder and they accept their need to do this, even though they are at risk of falls (this had been fully assessed).”
Staff confirmed people and their families participated in managing risk by gathering as much information about the person to support this.
Observations confirmed risk was well managed, although records sometimes needed updated. This was being addressed by the provider.
Processes were in place to understand and manage risks so that care met the needs of people in a way that was safe and supportive, enabling them to do the things that mattered to them.
Safe environments
We did not look at Safe environments during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Safe.
Safe and effective staffing
There were enough staff. People and their families said there was enough trained staff on duty to meet their care and support needs at all times. One person said, “I think it has improved, there are a lot of staff, and I cannot fault [male registered manager]. I have never seen anything to worry me.”
Staff were well trained. One staff member told us additional training could be requested. They said, “I have requested to do a couple of courses, including catheterisation and this will be done during work time.”
Observations confirmed enough staff were on duty on each unit to support people effectively.
Processes were in place to ensure staff went through a robust recruitment process and received suitable, induction, training, and support. Suitable recruitment checks were conducted, including obtaining DBS checks and staff right to work in the UK.
Infection prevention and control
We did not look at Infection prevention and control during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Safe.
Medicines optimisation
Medicines were well managed. People confirmed they had no issues with the administration of their medicines.
Staff confirmed they had received suitable training in medicines administration and had their medicines competencies checked regularly.
Processes were in place to monitor medicines, including up to date medicines policies and procedures.