- Residential substance misuse service
Francis House
Report from 8 January 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Francis House is a residential substance misuse service in Southampton. We conducted an onsite assessment of the care provided at Francis House on 10 January 2024. We reviewed safe, effective, caring and responsive key questions. The overall rating for this service is good. We have rated the quality statements we looked at (safe, caring, effective and responsive) as good. Medicine management procedures were robust and risk assessments with crisis/relapse plans were in place. This meant breaches identified at the previous inspection were now met by the provider.
People's experience of this service
Feedback received by people receiving care and treatment was positive. Post treatment surveys were undertaken by the service and people spoke fondly of staff and their experience. Following our assessment we found some people were confused regarding items that would be restricted during their admission, such as mobile phone use. The service was receptive to feedback and revisited admission information to ensure people understood expectations prior to admission.